Meddle About

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The girls walk down the stairs, leading into the Slytherin common room. They're giggling and holding hands. Their laughter draws attention to them and a few heads turn. Someone they don't even know, whistles at the girls. "Fuck off, twat." Pansy says as she holds her middle finger up. Gwen bursts into laughter and almost falls down the stairs. Suddenly she feels a hand around her waist who just catches her in time.

"Are you ladies alright?" Blaise says with a smug smile on his face. Gwen and Pansy start to giggle at his sarcastic words and soon the other Slytherin boys follow Blaise down the stairs. "You gyals looking fit as fuck tonight." Theodore says while rubbing his hands together. "You're mental." Gwen pushes his shoulder slightly which makes him tremble a little. "You should be more careful, you wouldn't want to ruin this handsome face for tonight." He says, obviously talking about himself. "Whatever, Nott." Gwen rolls her eyes for the millionth time at him.

They all walk down the stairs towards the couches. Some first years are sitting on them, but when they see the group, they quickly get off and leave. "They're so cute." Gwen says while looking at the boys who just walked away as fast as they could. "Pedo." Mattheo says while grabbing a bottle from behind his back. "I would say something back, but you have alcohol. So I forgive you." Gwen says while sitting down next to him and she tries to grab the bottle of Vodka. "Not so fast, River." He says while pushing her back by her stomach. Theo walks towards the couch and sits opposite from Mattheo and Gwen. She keeps trying to take the bottle from Mattheo and at one moment, she succeeds. She takes a big sip from the bottle and then gives it to Pansy. "Thank you, Riddle." Gwen says sarcastically.

"It's empty." Adrian says with a sad expression on his face. "Don't be a wuss, there's going to be plenty at the party later." Blaise says. "Speaking about the party, when does it start?" Mattheo asks. "How would we know." Theo says, not looking at him. "Okay, Mr attitude." Mattheo says and Gwen giggles at his words. "Tipsy already?" Enzo asks. "Nope, this is just me being my supeeeeer fun self." Gwen says with a smile on her face. "Oh yeah, of course." Enzo says while laughing. "Fuck. It started already." Pansy says as she stands up. "We've got to go, now!" She motions everyone to get up and they all walk to the Great Hall.

The big doors swoosh open and it reveals a big crowd of teenagers dancing. The group walks in and heads turn immediately. They're the most popular and feared group at Hogwarts. People step aside so the paths are clear. This always happens and it makes them laugh. They're not upset about it though, they kinda like it. "Come on!" Gwen feels a pair of hands wrapped around her wrist and she's dragged into the crowd. Pansy pulls her through all the people and starts dancing. "I need more alcohol!" She yells out and suddenly disappears. Gwen shakes her head and starts dancing on her own. It's no secret that Gwen's a lightweight. She's already drunk before the party even starts. This time, she kept it low, so she could drink more at the party. Pansy has been gone for some time and Gwen's looking through the crowd to find her. A smile appears on her face as she sees her dancing with some guy. She walks towards the table where all the drinks are on and she pours herself a Vodka Sprite.

Three down. It's getting warmer and warmer by the minute. Some people obviously haven't figured out that there's a spell against sweat because, holy shit some people smell. "You wouldn't know what happened to the Vodka bottle, would you." The voice behind her is from a guy. His voice is low and smooth. But the smoothness could also be the alcohol. Gwen turns around to look at the boy, who towers above her. "Merlin, how tall are you?" She asks him. He starts to laugh. "6'3." The boy says while looking down at her. "You're a little short aren't you?" She shakes her head. "Nope, you're just incredibly tall." She turns around and grabs a bottle of Vodka from underneath the table. "Here you go." She gives him the bottle and he gives her a approved nod. "Great job, little one." He wants to turn around but he feels a hand on his shoulder. "You're welcome, Goliath." She gives him a smirk. "Goliath?" He says while a playful huff escapes his lips. "You heard me. Goliath." She whispers the last word in his ear. Whenever she's drunk, she gets awfully bold. "What's your name." His hand moves to the side of her head. "Gwen." She says. "Gwen. I like that." The song changes and so do the lights. They change from red, to green. She can see the boy's face better now. He has blond messy hair and blue eyes. He has a pretty nose and when she takes a better look at him, he kind of looks like Hayden Christensen. "What's yours?" She asks him while looking into his eyes. He gets closer to her. "Miles." He says with the most attractive tone a boy can have.

We only met each other just the other day, but you already got me feeling some type of way. "Now, if I could figure it out, I'd take you back to my house so we can meddle about." Miles finishes the lyrics to the song. The Chase Atlantic song. Gwen is without a joke the biggest Chase Atlantic fan ever. Her eyes lighten up as he sings. She can't resist. How is she supposed to resist a boy who knows Chase Atlantic. "A fan?" She asks him smoothly, not letting him know she's absolutely going insane on the inside. "I guess you could call me that. You know them?" He asks, eyes wide. "I'll show you." She grabs his hand and their finger interlock. She drags him through the crowd and they walk out of the great hall. Theo's eyes follow them and he walks after them.

They walk up the stairs to the Slytherin common room. "You're in Slytherin right?" She asks him. "Yeah i am. Why'd you ask?" Gwen says the password and the door opens. "Couldn't have people seeing that a non-Slytherin is going into my dorm." She smirks at him. Miles almost chokes on air and follows her like a puppy. They walk into her dorm and he sits down on her bed, admiring the room. She walks towards the closet and grabs a hoodie. She gives it to Miles and he looks up at her. "No way." He shakes his head in disbelief. "Yes way." She sits down next to him and looks at the signed hoodie. All three members of Chase Atlantic signed it. "You're the luckiest girl ever." He says while looking at her. "I know, i know." He laughs. "Can i take a picture?" Gwen nods her head. Miles grabs his phone and makes a quick photo. Gwen grabs the hoodie back, neatly folds it and puts it in her closet again.

"I already like you." Miles says as he lays down on his back. "I am a very likeable person." She says proudly, still very, very tipsy. She stumbles and falls onto her bed. Miles, who was laying at the front of the bed, is now sitting besides her. She rolls around so she's laying on her back. "I think I drank a little too much." She says while rubbing her head. "Oh you think?" Miles laughs. He moves a piece of her hair behind her ear. "You're really pretty." He suddenly says. "You're not too bad yourself, Goliath." She says playfully, almost falling asleep. He smiles and pulls the sheets over her. He stands up and walks towards the door. "Don't leave." She says with her eyes shut. "I won't." He walks back and grabs a blanket from her closet. He sees a few really short dresses and his eyes widen. Miles walks towards the couch in her room and lays down on it. He pulls the blanket over himself and grabs his phone.

"won't be able to make it back to the party sorry guys."

"yoooo what happened"

"better ask who happened"

"real funny 😐 save me a seat for breakfast tmrw"

He puts his phone away and catches himself smiling. "Fuck."

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