The paper bird

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"Fuck." Gwen thinks to herself. She rubs her head and at that moment she just wants to evaporate. "I shouldn't have drank this much." She stands up from her bed and she walks to her mirror. She sees that she's wearing her clothes from last night and that her make-up is half faded. She turns around and she sees a boy on her couch and yells. When she realises it's the boy from last night, she takes a deep breath in. Miles is awoken by Gwen's loud scream and sits up in a second.

"Merlin, Gwen. You scared the living shit out of me." Miles says as he rubs his eyes. "Sorry. I just didn't expect that you'd be here." She says and sits down next to him. "You asked me to stay you know." He makes room for her to sit down. "I can't remember much about last night to be honest." She shrugs. "Do you remember our conversation?" Miles asks, hoping she does. "I do." She smiles. "I'm glad." He smiles. "Breakfast?" He asks. "I'd love to."

Gwen changed into a tracksuit and so did Miles. They walk through the doors of the great hall and they spot their friend groups. "So.-" They say at the same time. They laugh it off and they walk to two empty spots.

"Where is she going?" Pansy asks to the group. "And who's that?" Lorenzo asks back. "Don't know, don't care." Theodore says. The group all stare at each other after what he said. Miles and Gwen are giggling while eating their breakfast. "I'm leaving." Theo says and he pushes his plate away from himself. "Where-" Mattheo couldn't even finish his sentence or Theo already stood up. He walks away and while passing Gwen and smiles he gives Miles a death stare. "Who's that." Miles asks Gwen. "Theodore Nott. I've known him for forever. Why?" She asks. "He just gave me deathliest death stare ever." Miles says while looking at Theodore who storms out of the Great Hall. "Strange." She says.

An hour later, Gwen's back in her dorm with Pansy. They're changing to their uniforms, because they have class in fifteen minutes. "I'm already done with this and it's only been a week." Gwen says with an exhausted tone. "Glad to be back and all, but fuck the classes." Pansy says while fixing her tie aggressively. "Here let me." Gwen grabs Pansy's tie and fixes it perfectly. "There you go." She says with a proud smile. "I don't know what I'd do without you." Pansy says dramatically. While putting on their shoes Pansy asks- "Who's that boy that crashed here?" Gwen smiles. "That's Miles. And guess what, he's a Chase Atlantic fan." Pansy falls down on her back on the bed. "Soulmates!" She sarcastically yells out. Gwen grabs a pillow and smashes it on Pansy's head. "Cunt." Gwen says with a grin on her face.

The girls are walking to their potion class. They're rather fast, because they're running late. "Snape's going to kill us." Pansy says. They walk through the doors, right on time. They sit down at their desks, who are luckily at the back of the class. "A little earlier next time, River and Parkinson." Snape says with the same tone he always has. "Won't happen again, Professor." Pansy says and while Snape isn't looking, she sticks her tongue out at him. "Real mature, Pansy." Draco whispers. "Fuck off." Pansy whispers without looking at him.

A few minutes later, a paper bird flies around the classroom. "Who's that for?" Blaise whispers to Enzo. "Why would you ask me? I don't have a fucking clue." Enzo says blandly. "It looks like it's flying to Gwen." Mattheo says and quickly turns around to Gwen. "Don't look at me like that." She says. When the bird is about to land on her desk, it goes up in flames. "What the fuck?" Pansy whisper-yells. Gwen sees that Theodore quickly hides his wand. "What a loser." She says to Pansy while looking at Theodore. "What happened?" Pansy asks confused. "He made the bird catch flames." Gwen says. "Why would he- Oh." Pansy looks at Miles who gives Theodore a death stare. "Roles are reversed now." Gwen says while looking at Miles.

Gwen's walking in the corridors to her next class, when someone starts to walk beside her. "That wasn't supposed to happen." Miles says. "I figured." Gwen smiles at him. He looks down and grabs her hand. "I suppose I can say what I wrote. They both stop walking and Gwen gives him a nod. "Or maybe-" Miles stops mid-sentence and gives her a sly smirk. "Miles, you better tell me what was in the bird, or-" He cuts her off. "Or what?" He asks playfully. "I, I haven't figured that out yet." She says and thins her lips. He laughs at her words and grabs her chin. "Fine. I'll tell you." She smiles as she waits for what he has to say. "Will you go out on a date with me?" He asks boldly, but also shyly. Her face lightens up and she nods immediately. "Yes." She says.

A few seconds later, Miles gets a bump to his shoulder from someone. At first they think it's some student who didn't watch where they were walking. But then they see Theodore. Gwen can't take this bullshit any longer and says-

"What the fuck is your problem Theo?"

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