The Reunion

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Theodore's POV

"Tobias! Where the fuck is my sweater?" Theo yells out. He starts walking to his brothers room while mumbling some cuss words. He slams the door open and looks at his brother with a glare.

"Mate, calm the fuck down. I don't have it." Tobias says as he walks to his closet. "Take a look." He says annoyed. Theodore looks in the closet as he becomes aware that Tobias wasn't lying. "See?" Tobias pats his brothers shoulder. "Count to ten Theodore, it's gonna be okay. He says sarcastically. Theo just rolls his eyes and walks out of his brothers room. Tobias doesn't know why he was stressing this much about a fucking sweater. He didn't actually know that Gwen gave Theodore that sweater.

Theo grabs another sweater and pulls it over his head. He quickly fixes his hair in the mirror and flexes as he looks at himself. Tobias peeks around the corner and grins.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Tobias says as he laughs. Theo jumps and quickly slams the door shut. "Fucking dickhead."


"Yoo, what's good mate." Blaise says as he dabs Theo up. "I missed you man. Next summer you have to stay here longer." Theo says. "Believe me, i wish i was here too. Thailand was great, trust, but two months is too long." Blaise says. They talk about their summers when Theo feels two hands on his shoulders. He turns around and sees Draco, Mattheo, Adrian and Lorenzo.

After the boys' friend group reunited, they see Hermione. "Oi, Mione!" Theodore yells out. Hermione walks towards the boys. Before Theo can even say anything Hermione opens her mouth. "Yes she's here." She says with a grin on her face." Theo looks confused, but all the boys start giggling. "She got you there mate." Adrian says while giving him a small push. Theodore finally gets it and rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Where'd you see her?"

Mattheo brings his hands up to his mouth. "Pussy whipped!" He yells out. The boys and Hermione start laughing at Mattheo's words. Theo scoffs, but hides a small smile by pressing his lips together. "She's with Pansy, they're standing in front of Ollivanders. Hermione says. Theo nods."Thanks Hermione. Come on." He says to his friends. The group follows him and Hermione walks the other way.

As they almost arrive at Ollivanders, the group sees the two girls. Lorenzo was about to walk towards the girls but Theo stops him. "Wait." He says plainly. Enzo looks confused but stays in his place. The girls are giggling and hugging each other. Theo catches himself smiling and quickly turns around wondering if anyone saw it. He shakes his thoughts away and clears his throat. "Let's go."

He sees Pansy giving Gwen a kiss on her cheek. Theodore smirks as he walks closer to Gwen and stands behind her. "My turn now." He says with a smug look on his face.

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