Jealousy, jealousy

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Theodore's POV

"Look at him. What does she even see in him?" Theodore asks Mattheo while looking at Miles. "He kind of looks like Hayden Christensen. You know the ladies love him." Mattheo says with a smirk. Theodore rolls his eyes at Mattheo's snarky comment. "Would you look at that." Mattheo says to Theodore. "What the bloody hell is that." He says. They both look at the paper bird flying around the potions classroom. "It looks like it's flying to Gwen." Mattheo says and quickly turns around to Gwen. Theodore can't stand this. What's going on between them? A boiling rage suddenly fills his body and he grabs his wand. Under his breath he says "Incendio." The paper bird goes up in flames and Theodore quickly hides his wand. He looks back at Miles, who's giving him a death stare. Theodore gives Miles a sly grin back at turns around to Mattheo. "What happened to that poor bird?" Theodore says sarcastically.

Theodore and his friends walk out of the potions classroom laughing when all of a sudden Theo's smile drops instantly. "You have to be shitting me. Why's he always with her?" He says while looking at Gwen and Miles, who are talking and laughing. "Jealous, mate?" Blaise asks. "Why should i be jealous? She's my friend." Theodore says protectively. "Oh yeah, sure." Blaise says while looking at Mattheo with a small laugh on his lips. "Let's go." Theo says directly. They're walking past Gwen and Miles and Theodore bumps into Miles. Let's say it wasn't an accident.

"What the fuck is your problem Theo?" Gwen yells at him. "My problem? Love, you know i can't walk in a straight line." Theodore says with a playful smirk on his face. "You're so immature, Nott. If somethings bothering you, be fucking straight up with it." Gwen says while taking a step towards him. Theo's smirk grows wider and rolls his tongue inside his cheek. "The only thing that's bothering me is you two taking up the whole corridor." He says. Gwen rolls her eyes at him. This time it wasn't playful or flirty. It was true annoyance. "Talk to me when you decide to get your shit together, Theodore." The way she said his name gave him chills. And not good chills. Did he go too far this time?

"Come on, Theo. Lets go to our dorms." He suddenly hears on his right side. He looks at Draco with a blank face. "Yeah, i'll be there in a few minutes."

"There's something i got to do first."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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