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Gwens POV:

"That was actually hilarious." Pansy says. "Oh come on, it was rather pathetic." Draco says. "I feel bad for him." Gwen says while looking back at the boy who just fell with all his suitcases on Platform 9¾. "There she goes." Theo says while rolling his eyes. Gwen gives him a slight push which makes him fall in his seat. "Thank you." He says sarcastically.

"Where is that lady, I'm starving." Enzo says while rubbing his stomach. "She'll be there in a second lad." Adrian says. A few minutes later they hear a familiar voice. "Anything from the trolley, Dears?" "Finally!" Enzo almost yells out. He grabs his wallet. "Can I pay by card, Miss?" He says eagerly. The group starts to laugh as Enzo proceeds to buy half the trolley.

"Merlin, i got Dumbledore again." Theo sighs. Gwen looks at him with a smug look on her face. "Oh you can give him to me. I collect Dumbledores." Theo gives her a look of disgust. "You, collect them? Why would you-" Theo stops mid-sentence and just shakes his head. "You're mental." He says. She sarcastically winks at him. "And you love it." They proceed to fight-flirt in front of their friends without knowing they're all looking.

"Are y'all done yet?" Mattheo says annoyed. "Done with what?" Gwen asks him. "Flirting!" Pansy, Adrian and Mattheo yell out. Theodore and Gwen look at each other. "Piss off, we weren't." Theo says. "Whatever floats your boat, mate." Blaise says.

Gwen falls down on her bed. "Oh how much i've missed these comfortable sheets." She says while rolling in them. Pansy giggles at the sight of it. "Come on, we have a lot to unpack before dinner." Pansy says. "Dumbledore better give us a good welcome meal." Gwen says with a serious tone. Pansy breaks out in laughter and gives Gwen a sudden hug. "I really fucking missed you Gwen." She says holding Gwen tightly. "I missed you more Pans." Gwen says.

Pansy suddenly pulls out of the hug. "What was that just now with Theo?" She asks while smiling. One of Gwen's eyebrow raises. "What are you talking about Pans?" She asks in all seriousness. "Oh don't act foolish. You guys were totally flirting." Gwen let's out a soft gasp. "You're having a laugh, right?" Pansy shakes her head. "I'm bloody serious." "Merlin." Gwen just blandly says. They just sit in silence for the next two minutes.

"Well i have to say he's fit." Gwen suddenly says. "Ha! I knew it." Pansy says. Gwen shrugs. "Yeah, but so is Mattheo and Adrian and-" "No." Pansy cuts her off. "It's different with you and Theo. I can feel it." "Pansy you're scaring me. Let's just unpack." Gwen quickly shakes her thoughts off her and starts to unpack her five suitcases.

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