The lazy and The Ginger

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Gwen knocks on Theodore's dorm room. He shares a dorm with Enzo, short for Lorenzo. She hears footsteps coming her way and a few moments later the door swings open. She sees a familiar face, but not the one she was expecting. "Tobias?!" She yells out. She gives him a big hug. "I haven't seen you in forever! Look at you, all grown up." She says. Tobias' figure almost fills the whole door opening. He may look like a tough guy, but he's actually the sweetest. They chat a bit and talk about their summers. A few moments later Tobias asks— "Why are you here actually? I don't think you're here to see me." He says with a sly smile on his face, but at the same time he looks slightly disappointed. "Theo and I are paired up for a project." She sarcastically rolls her eyes. "Good luck on that." Tobias says while laughing. "Thanks Bo, i'll definitely need it." Tobias furrows his eyebrows. "I still don't know how you came up with that. Bo." He says confused. Just as Gwen was about to explain his nickname, she feels two hands on her shoulders. "Ready, partner?" She turns around and sees Theo with of course, a smirk on his face. "Grab your books, we're doing this together." She says firmly. "Alright Princess, still had my hopes up, but I guess I'll actually have to do something." Gwen rolls her eyes and waits for him to grab his books. "Ready?" She asks him. "Born ready." He says sarcastically. "Good luck again." Tobias says as they leave. "Good luck with what?" Theo asks Gwen. "Oh nothing. Just an inside joke." She says teasingly.

"The library? Seriously?" Theo asks her with the most disappointed look on his face. "Yes Theo, what did you expect?" He shrugs. "Not this." She gives him a confused look. "You can be so daft sometimes." His head turns around in a quick motion. "What?" She says. "Let's just get to work." She walks through the door opening and he follows after her. She sits down in a booth and he sits opposite of her. They both grab their books and lay them on the table. "I am so not in the mood for this shit." Theo says. "Come on, please?" "Please what?" She asks him. "Please, Angel?" He asks with doe eyes and a smirk. "No stupid." She kicks him under the table. "I asked what you're saying please for." His eyebrows shoot up. "Oh. Uhm, if you could make my work." He gives her a fake smile. "Because you love me so much." She raises one of her eyebrows and that gives him enough information to shut his mouth.

"You'll start with the first ten pages and i'll do the ten pages after." She says while opening her book. "Ten? Are you mentally okay? This is insane. How am i supposed to do ten pages?" He keeps on rambling about how much work it is for the next two minutes. Gwen just shakes her head and gets started.

"Guinevere River. I haven't seen you in a long time." Fred says. "Hello there Freddie." She says with a smile. Theo dislikes Fred. Like, really dislikes him. "Nott." Fred gives him a nod. "Weasley." Theo says with an irritated tone. Fred turns his head to Gwen again. "You've only gotten prettier over the summer." He says with a smirk. Gwen smiles. "Well, you don't look too bad yourself either." Theo clenches his jaw hearing them talk. "I think it would be better if you leave, Weasley. We have a lot to do." He says while narrowing his eyes. "I'll leave when my conversation is done." Fred says. "Well it's over. Now." Theodore says while standing up. "Okay, that's enough. Fred, I'll see you later yeah?" "Of course." He says while looking at Theo with a grin. Theo balls up his fists and Gwen notices that. "Theo, I swear to God." She gives him a strict look. Theo rolls his tongue in the inside of his cheek. "Whatever." He says as he sits back down. "See you, Gwen." Fred says and he walks off. "Never let that ranga near me again." Theo says, still being pissed.

"And then he balled his fists!" Gwen says to Pansy. "Why?" Pansy asks her confused. "Beats the hell out of me." Gwen says. "Me and Fred were just talking. I mean, he has his history with Fred, but you would think that would be over by now, right?" Pansy sits down at her dressing table. "Well, i guess not." Gwen drops herself on her bed. "Boys are confusing." Pansy giggles. "Worry less and live a little. We have that welcome back party tonight, remember?" Gwen shoots up from her bed. "Fuck, i forgot." She walks towards her closet and grabs one of her many dresses. She holds it in front of her body and then turns to Pansy. "What do you think?" Pansy, who's curling her eyelashes, turns around and smiles. "Perfect." Gwen smiles and changes quickly. She walks to her dressing table and puts some makeup on. "Who's going to be there actually?" She asks Pansy. "Oh, just our whole year." Gwen thins her lips. "Just?" Pansy laughs it off and checks her phone. "One hour left. What are we going to do in an hour?" Gwen thinks. "We could— go to the common room?" Pansy nods. "I'll text the boys."'

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