Pair-up of the year

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"Mate, calm down. The food's all yours." Blaise says with a disgusted face. "I'm just hungry." Theo says with his mouth full of cereal. Mattheo, who sits next to Theo, just shakes his head.

A few moments later the doors of the great hall swing open, causing heads to turn around. People were expecting that the teachers would walk through to the door, but to their surprise, Pansy and Gwen walked through the door. They were quite popular at school. People called them "Double trouble."

First years were baffled when they say the two for the first time. One of them even let their water drop out of their mouth. Pansy and Gwen giggled at the sight of it. "They're all so adorable." Pansy said with a smile on her face. "I thought you didn't like kids." Gwen says. "I said that they were adorable, that doesn't mean i tolerate them." Pansy says as she giggles. Gwen walks up to Hermione and gives her a quick hug. Some boys the same age as Gwen looked at her, thinking they stood a chance. "Plenty of fish in the sea for you this year." Pansy said when she noticed people were staring at Gwen. She rolls her eyes. "I'm going to focus on school this year Pans." She said while holding in a smile. "Yeah right." Pansy said while laughing.

"There you guys are. What took you so long?" Draco says annoyed. "Calm your gob, Malfoy." Gwen said while sitting down on the wooden bench. Draco rolls his eyes while grabbing a green apple from the fruit bowl. "Classy Malfoy." Lorenzo says with a grin on his face. They all eat before they have a long day of school ahead of them.

"Goodmorning children. Please do not take a seat yet, i will assign you one." Professor Mcgonagall says while looking whose in her class. Pansy and Gwen slowly walk into the classroom. "I have to sit next to you or i'll cry." Gwen says to Pansy making a fake sad face. Pansy laughs at her words and holds Gwen's arm. "This year we're going to pair up boys and girls." Professor says. The whole class is groaning, since no one wants to be paired up with the opposite sex.

"Miss Parkinson and Mister Malfoy." Pansy's eyes widen when she heard that sentence coming out of Mcgonagall's mouth. "This has to be a mistake Professor." Draco says abruptly, walking through the crowd of students. "I promise you, it is not. Now go to your assigned seats." Professor Mcgonagall firmly says. After a while there's only a few students left, including Gwen and Theodore.

"Miss River and Mister....." Professor Mcgonagall grabs her reading glasses. "I'm getting old." She says with a smile on her face. She clears her throat. "Now where was i. Oh yes. Miss River and Mister Nott, please go to your assigned seats. Gwen and Theo both look at each other and give each other a smile-nod.

Gwen doesn't know what to feel. Should she be happy she's paired up with Theo? I mean he is her friend after all. But lately she's been feeling very confused. She decides to keep quiet. It's better not to say anything. Right?

"So, i guess you'll be doing all the work and i just get to sit and look at you being beautiful, huh angel."

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