II Beginning II P.1

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"Honey! Make sure to thank Iruka for all the extra class he's been giving you!" A red-haired woman instructed me as I grabbed the bag out of her hands in a rush. "Mom~ I don't need extra classes! I'm a fox! To be cunning you got to be smart! Which I already am!" I complained to her as I ran out of the large castle doors, waving at her as I left. "Oh! Naruto, where are you going?" Kotetsu asked. (One of the castle guards I'm friends with.) I chuckled setting my gaze at him.

"To class!" I replied with a huge smile. As I slowly walked passed out of the huge castle. "Oh, and Naruto, don't skip class to go to that party on the border of our nation." Kotetsu pointed out which made me freeze at his accurate guess.

"W-what are you t-talking about?" I said with sweat dropping off my face. Kotetsu sighed as he knew my cunning plans. I exhaled some air then exhaled it. "FINE, I WAS GOING! BUT PLEASE DON'T TELL MOM OR DAD!" I begged with my life knowing if my parents found out they would kill me. Kotetsu chuckled and then gazed back at me. "It's fine, but please don't go to the party, got it..." Kotetsu said while giving me a 'this is your last chance' stare.

I smiled as my sky-blue eyes sparkled. "R-really! So you won't tell my parents about this!" I said happily to Kotetsu. Kotetsu nodded. "Yes! Yes, now hurry before you are late for class!" Kotetsu warned me as I started running out of the castle doors and into the beautiful green forest dead ahead.

As I entered the mystical green forest. A boy with dark black hair tied up in a ponytail and brown eyes looked straight at me. He was leaning against a tall hollow tree. "Hey! Do...I know you?" I asked as I tilted my head giving a sign of my confusion.

The boy glances at me then to the ground and he walks closer to me, making me take a few steps back. "Wow Naruto, You haven't grown that tall seen the last time I saw you." The boy said as it finally hit me! Shikamaru the wolf! My first childhood friend I haven't seen him for about eight years and by the looks of it he was four inches taller than me, that kinda bummed me out.

"S-Shikamaru..." I said with a bright smile as I ran towards him giving him the biggest hug my arms could give him. Shikamaru was shocked by Naruto's sudden action but soon hugged back. Naruto quickly broke the hug. "Shika...you came back?" I questioned him giving him a big smile afterwards. Shikamaru blushed a bit then turned his flustered face away from mine.

"Ugh...Naruto I'm here to walk you to the school, okay!" Shikamaru explained with his face still turned away. "Okay...but I'm sure I don't need a bodyguard like you anyway...but thanks for the offer!" I slowly walked passed him as I stole his wallet from his pocket.

"Oh, and thanks for the money!" I shouted as I showed him his wallet then jumped to the trees. "Thanks...for the...mon-WAIT NARUTO MY WALLET!" Shikamaru shouted as he checked both pockets. Shikamaru sighed as Naruto was too far to catch up to now. "Well, it looks like he's never changed, huh," Shikamaru said under his breath as he glared at the large palace where Naruto came from. 'I forgot to tell him about the introducers...but he'll be fine knowing him. Shikamaru thought still staring at the castle.

                                                              * * *

The powerful winds were blowing against my beautiful blond locks which were radiating from the golden sun. My sky-blue eyes shimmered as the sun reflected on them. As I was running along the trees, something hit me causing me to lose my balance.

I shouted at the pain while checking what hit me. It was an arrow near my torso, there was blood running down from the wound staining my light blue outfit. But the next thing I knew I was on the ground my eyes bearly opened, lives flashing before my eyes, It was scary, is this how you feel when you're about to die? I asked myself that.

But before I could black out for good this time I saw three men with crossbows and they were aiming directly at me. At that moment I knew I was a goner. So I braced for the attack squinting my eyes as hard as I could. The arrow in my torso hurt like crazy but I knew it wouldn't kill, in this situation, I couldn't even fight back and that feeling hurt more than anything right now. I was the son of Minato Namikaze, yet, I'm lying on the ground preparing myself for my death. I was truly a mocker just like every thought I was. Maybe it's better if I died, right?

But wait...Am I still alive? I opened my eyes as wide as I could to see what going on, but to my surprise, I saw a boy in front of me, he had dark black wings, kinds I'd never seen before. But there and t His arm was wide open preventing any attacks from hitting me. I shifted my eyes to the boy's face to get a better look but before I could I heard...

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