II In Love II P.6

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Love...Love was what both Naruto and Sasuke were thinking. Sasuke's pale face showed a red tint on his cheeks, as Naruto's tan face was buried in Sasuke's ample chest. The moment was magical as Sasuke flew with Naruto in his arms in the midnight sky of bright stars.

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As I gazed upon Sasuke's face, I couldn't help but be captivated by its beauty, despite the paleness that seemed to be a part of his natural complexion. It was then that a feeling, long buried deep within me, finally surfaced, and I couldn't help but smile as the star's light shone down on his face, illuminating his features in a way that was simply breathtaking.

But as my eyes wandered downwards, I noticed something that made them widen in surprise: Sasuke's eyes were a stunning shade of red, like the color of fresh blood. It was a striking contrast against his pale skin, and I couldn't look away.

Sasuke must have noticed my lingering gaze, for he looked at me with a smirk and raised an eyebrow. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I quickly hid my face in his chest, hoping to hide my embarrassment.

But Sasuke just chuckled, seemingly amused by my reaction. "It's called the Sharingan," he explained, glancing up at the moon. "It's something only my clan possesses."

My mind raced as I tried to process this new information. The Sharingan? Wasn't that an ability only used by members of the Uchiha clan? As I looked at Sasuke more closely, I realized that there were other clues that seemed to confirm my suspicions: his pale face, his raven-colored hair, and the clan's symbol on the back of his outfit. Could it be that I had just met an actual Uchiha? 

Naruto's eyes widened in shock. Wait what I'm an Uzumaki? The Uchiha and Uzumaki clans have hated each other for the beginning of time, Just when I found someone who matched me, this had to happen. Why? I panicked a bit. "Naruto, Are you okay?" Sasuke asked narrowing his eyebrows. I nodded not able to say anything to his gorgeous face. I looked down, we were like 50 feet off the ground I yelped and cuddled deeper in his arms. Sasuke blushed as he glanced at Naruto. "Umm, w-where do y-you live?" Sasuke sturred still flustered about Naruto in his arms.

As we soared through the midnight sky, my eyes were fixed on the moon above us, and my thoughts were consumed by a daunting decision. Should I tell Sasuke the truth? My heart was racing with nerves as I gathered the courage to speak up. "Sasuke," I said, my voice barely above a whisper, "...the Uzumaki palace..."

He turned to look at me, giving me a warm smile as I talked, but I could see the concern in his eyes as I spoke. Yet, still tried to hide it under his dark black onyx eyes. Despite the fact that our families had been at odds for generations, I knew I had to tell the truth. It wasn't right to keep them hidden any longer.

But then, something unexpected happened. Sasuke's expression shifted, his smile fading into a semi-frown. My heart sank, fearing the worst, but before I could say anything else, he spoke up. "I know," he said simply, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

He went on to explain that he had known the very first time he laid eyes on me, despite his initial uncertainty. And then, he said something that took my breath away: "But...I don't care."

As I gazed into his eyes, a flood of emotions overwhelmed me with joy and gratitude. I couldn't believe that I had found someone who cherished me despite the challenges we faced. My heart was filled with love and adoration, and I knew that I had hit the jackpot with him. Adoration and I knew that I had hit the jackpot with him.

As I felt my feet land on the long green grass somewhere. Sasuke looked at me as a small smile arose from his pale face. "Naruto...this is the Uchiha kingdom..."

(Sorry if this is getting worse I kinda tried and I ended up writing this in the mornings so please tell me what you think about it so far! And the series is far from over we haven't even gotten to the best part!)

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