II Setting Out 1 II P.11

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                                            Season 3 / シーズン3

Naruto burst out of the cottage doors, his mind set on a mission. He knew exactly what he needed to do first. But before he could even take a step, a voice from inside the cottage called out to him. "Naruto! You idiot! You can't break two things in a minute and walk away from it!" Sasuke's angry tone filled the air, and Naruto couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. "Umm, sorry," he mumbled, scuffing the back of his head sheepishly.

But his attention was quickly diverted when he saw her - the girl he had seen yesterday. Hinata. Naruto called out to her, trying to get her attention. "HEY, GOOD MORNING!!!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the village. Hinata gasped quietly and hid behind a wall, but Naruto could still see her. He chuckled to himself, feeling a rush of excitement.

But his joy was short-lived. Just as he was about to make his move toward the girl, Big Bad Sasuke appeared out of nowhere, ruining the moment. Naruto groaned inwardly, knowing that he would have to deal with Sasuke before he could get back to Hinata.

"Naruto, stop talking, and let's pack up already! We need to hit the road as soon as possible!" Sasuke barked, pulling me back into the cottage. I rolled my eyes, muttering under my breath, "Clearly, someone's jealous." But my words didn't go unnoticed as Sasuke shot me a sidelong glance. "Maybe," he whispered, and I couldn't help but blush at his admission. His black wings brushed against my back as he dragged me along, and for a moment, I forgot all about our argument.

Suddenly, a thought struck me, and I blurted out, "Hey, can we bring the girls with us?" But Sasuke's reaction was not what I expected. He looked at me with fury in his eyes, and I could feel his aura growing denser with every passing second. "No," he growled in his deep, husky voice, sending shivers down my spine.

As I followed Sasuke, I couldn't help but think that he wasn't the brightest person I knew. But despite his flaws, I still loved him. And I wasn't going to give up easily. I made up my mind that I would make him bring those girls along, no matter what it takes!

                                                      *    *    *

For the past hour and a half, Naruto has been pestering me to bring those utterly useless girls along for no apparent reason! I was so frustrated with this nonsense that I turned around to Naruto, who was busy giving me a full-blown lecture on "Why Sasuke Should Bring the Girls," and I swear he wasn't listening to me at all!

I said to myself, "Enough is enough!" and finally gave in, "Fine, we'll bring them along!" I said angrily.

But before I could even process what had just happened, Naruto erupted in excitement, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you so much, Sasuke! I love you!"

Although his sudden outburst was overwhelming, I couldn't help but wonder, "I love you...does he mean it? Wait, What if he doesn't?" I was scared of the unknown, but before I could even question him, Naruto vanished into thin air without warning.

"Naruto?" I called out in a panic, not really expecting a reply.

                                                   *    *    *

As I dashed out of the cottage, my heart was racing with excitement. I had just come up with a great idea - I had to find Hinata and let her know that she was coming with us on our mission to save the world. But as I ran towards her, a sudden thought crossed my mind. What if Hinata didn't want to come with us? After all, we had only met a day ago. As I slowed down my pace, I realized that Sasuke was right - I needed to think before I acted.

Just then, I heard a familiar voice calling out my name. It was Sakura, the pink-haired girl I had met earlier. I was happy to see a friendly face and greeted her with a beaming smile. Feeling bold, I asked her if she wanted to come with us on our quest.

 "Uh...Where? And who is us?" she asked, clearly confused.

I told her that Sasuke and I were on a mission to save the world and that we could use all the help we could get. Sakura looked both surprised and skeptical at the same time. "Save the world?" she repeated, looking at me as if I had lost my mind.

"Yeah!" I said innocently.

"Do you know how dumb you sound right now?" Sakura said in disbelief. 

Just as Sakura was about to voice her doubts, Hinata appeared out of nowhere. "So Sakura-chan, I couldn't find your necklac- Oh, N-Naruto-Kun, W-what are you d-doing here?" Hinata stammered, surprised to see me.

"I came to ask if you two wanted to join me and Sasuke on a quest to save the world!" I exclaimed, my eyes shining with enthusiasm.

Without a second thought, Hinata eagerly agreed, her shyness evaporating in the face of adventure. I was overjoyed to have her on board, and the three of us set off on our quest, determined to save the world from whatever danger lay ahead.

"So Sakura-chan I couldn't find your necklac- Oh N-Naruto-Kun, W-what are you d-doing here?" Hinata said as she came from the small cottage across from ours. "Oh! Hi Hinata! I came to ask if you two if you guys wanted to join me and Sasuke on a quest to save the world!" I said happily. "Y-Yes, N-Naruto-kun!" Hinata said shyly, not having a second thought on what he had said. 

Sakura turned to Hinata confused but sighed hopelessly. "Fine..." She says hopelessly. "Wait but before we agree to this stupid plan of yours where is your proof that made Sasuke-kun follow along!" Sakura argued. 'She's talking abut Sasuke???' I thought angrily. "Oh! Over in my cottage!" Naruto says pointing at his cottage. Sakura prepares herself for whatever this blonde knucklehead might do.

( Sorry but I got to make a part two for SETTING OUT  so stay tuned!)

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