II Bonding II P.5

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We then broke the hug. I was now staring into each other's eyes. Sasuke had the most mesmerizing eyes I've ever seen. "Sasuke you have the most beautiful eyes ever..." I bartered out in accident. Sasuke blushed at the sudden statement. "T-thanks," Sasuke said making me realize I said it out loud, now my face was burning red as a tomato as I fell to the ground completely flustered. 

Then as I hit the ground, I heard a chuckle coming from the dark-haired boy as he reached out a hand to help me up. I blushed in embarrassment. as I grabbed his hand now standing face-to-face with him. "Wait, Naruto! What were you screaming about?" Sasuke asked me while still holding my hand which I didn't mind.

"Umm I-I got scared...from a noise I heard from an old shed...over there," I said as I pointed in the direction I ran from. Sasuke removed his grip on my hand and carried me up in a bridal style. I blushed at the sudden action he had done before he said. "I'll check it out with you," Sasuke said probably as his wings widened. I chuckled as we flew off.

I never flew in my life and it still felt so amazing..."Like it? The feeling of flying in the air." Sasuke questioned. I giggled, "I love it!" I said to Sasuke as he gave me a small smile. Sasuke's checks heated up, and so did mine.

I felt us both lowering as he perfectly landed on the long green grass below. Sasuke then dropped me to the ground. "Oww~," I said while rubbing my bum. "THAT HURT!"I shouted at Sasuke as he glanced at me.

"Hn, where's the shed again?" Sasuke said while he reached his hand out for me. I grabbed it while still glaring at him as I pointed to the old shed. Sasuke then pulled me toward the shed. "Ahhh-" He covered my mouth as we hid behind a bush. I hesitated in Sasuke's grip until I spotted a guy who had just come out of the shed I was supposed to clean.

My eyes widened in shock. "Who's that?"I asked not scared. Sasuke looked at me as if I was crazy. "Oh! Is this a surprise attack!" I blurted out as the guy looked in our direction. Sasuke quickly grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down out of the guts vision. 

"Who in the world told you we were attacking him?" Sasuke asked me angrily. I giggled quietly as I jumped out of the bush. The guy looked in my direction, then pulled out a knife and charged toward me. 

Sasuke I didn't Naruto could fight so he was worried even though he himself was an excellent fighter. He'd rather not risk Naruto getting hurt. 

                                                    *   *    *

As I saw the guy charging towards Naruto, Naruto turned his head towards me a winked. A slight tingle in my stomach made me blush forgetting the situation he was in. Naruto dodged the attack and kicked the knife out of his hands as he was unarmed now. Naruto then punched the guy unconscious, Sasuke's eyes widened in shock. Of course, Naruto knew how to fight! He just doesn't rely on physical strength he relies on speed and flexibility. I Sasuke realized in his thoughts.

I signed as Naruto walked towards me handing a bag to me. I looked at him confused. "I stole it from the guy," Naruto said with a smirk as he grabbed my hand and began running away from the old shed with me. I then questioned. "N-Naruto what are you-" "You'll see!" Naruto said as he gripped my hand tighter I blushed softly turning my head to hide my blushing.

Naruto finally stopped running. We were now on a cliff that was displaying the beautiful sunset. Naruto let go of my hand and then moved forward to the edge of the cliff which made my heart stop. As the afternoon breeze flew in moving his gorgeous blond hair along with it. His sun-kissed reflected the sunset colors making him look radiant. My eyes couldn't look away he was just too perfect...

 My heart skipped a beat as I realized what I had done. The reason I woke up this morning feeling excited was because of...Naruto, I never liked or respected anyone growing up and either I hated them or ignored them but this time it was all different with Naruto...

Naruto turned his head towards me as I blushed harder. He then grabbed Sasuke's hand making them both blush slightly. Naruto chuckled as we headed towards the edge of the cliff. "Woah Naruto you're getting close t- ahhhhhh" I shouted as Naruto pulled me down. We were now falling off the cliff I had wings so the situation could have been easily avoided for me and Naruto. 

No, now finally get it! This is showing me how much he trusts me! I smiled as I heard him laughing from the high altitude. I widened my wings bringing me up as I waited until Naruto was meters away from the ground.

                                                   *   *   *

I trusted Sasuke more than anyone else...even though I only met him a few days ago...As Sasuke widens his long black wings, making him shoot upwards. I panicked a bit but then held my breath. I was now meters away from the deep waters below me. If I trust Sasuke I trusted him with my life so there's n- I thought as I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. It was Sasuke! We flew gliding along the surface of the blue water below us.

I was so glad he showed in the nick of time! But what made me happy was that someone in this world could make me this happy as he did... We landed on the shoreline of a beach. it was absolutely stunning. The sun was going to set in a matter of moments. Yet, the beach reflected a gorgeous color of red and orange.

Sasuke glances at Naruto's beautiful features once again before gazing at the scenery of the closing sunset. He was glad he had met Naruto, in fact, it was probably the best thing that could happen to him...An idea went through Sasuke's mind as he stood up to face Naruto.

As I was looking at the closing sunset Sasuke blocked my sight and reached out his hand. I titled my head. "You'll see..." He answered as I chuckled at his response. I then grabbed his hand as he led me toward the beach.

 I was scared of the water. "Sasuke..." I said with worried eyes. "Please trust me again..." he said with a gentle voice with echoed through my ears. I nodded as my feet entered the shallow waters. "...Naruto I'm going to teach you something...but you need to believe in every step... no, believe me, that I'll save you if anything had to happen to you..." Sasuke reassured me with the same gentle voice which made me blush.

I nodded once again as he put one foot against the surface of the water. I gasped as he chuckled and put on his other foot. He was practically floating on water now. My eyes widened in amazement as our eyes made contact.

There was something magic about the moment as if...we were bonding no it was more than just bonding I could feel it. 

I took a breath as Sasuke held me tight. "Believe in yourself...and me..." He said softly into my ear which relaxed me. Sasuke...I do believe in you...I thought as I slowly brought one foot up into the air and then placed it down on the surface of the water. My eyes widened as I felt myself floating as my both feet were now on the surface. 

I then looked at Sasuke and gave him a smile as we slowly started walking out of the shallow waters. "See...you're doing amazing!" Sasuke complimented me as I blushed. "Thank you..." I mumbled loud enough for Sasuke to hear. "No, I should be the one saying "thank you" Naruto...You're the first one who brought me this much happiness in my life..." Sasuke said looking at the dark star-filled sky. A tear fell out of my eye. "Sasuke...I'm glad I met you..." I said as he saw me tear up. 

Sasuke cupped my cheeks turning them red as he wiped all the tears off. "...Me too..." Sasuke said giving me a smile. I blushed at the magical moment. As he let go of my cheek, he swept me off my feet and widened his wings taking off as he carried me in his arms. 

I smiled as I buried my face in his chest feeling a tat bit embarrassed. I know this feeling I was having as my heart as it raced with Sasuke's dark black wings. It was...

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