II Friendship II P.3

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As I slowly opened my eyes to the delicious smell of meat. I sat up from the futon to see Naruto had returned safely and with food as he promised. His gaze shifted towards me. "Oh, you're awake!" Naruto stated as he handed a bowl of food to me. I looked at him with utter confusion as I held the food in my hand. "W-what? Do you not like meat?" Naruto asked as he tilted his head as a sign of confusion. "No, but it's raw..." I stated to him. "Oh, yeah forgot that some don't eat meat raw," Naruto said as he grabbed the bowl from my hands. He put the bowl aside, grabbed two rocks, and hit them together to make a fire.

 I watched him, No more like I checked him out in other words. Naruto...Naruto had beautiful blond hair, perfect sun-kissed skin, gorgeous sky-blue eyes,  whiskers on each side of his cheek, and nine beautiful orange tails along with ears. I blushed at his glamorous features. 

I snapped back into reality as soon as Naruto's soft voice called my name. "Sasuke!" I heard Naruto say before I decided to reply. "Y-yeah" I answered as our faces were only centimeters away. Naruto's cheeks turned a shade of pink realizing how close he was to me. "S-S-Sorry" Naruto said in worry as he looked at the ground. 

"Why do you apologize so much?" I asked him as I arched my eyebrows. At that moment I could tell Naruto hesitated to reply. "S-sorry..." He said it again and probably unknowingly. I sighed and watched him cook the meat but I noticed some scars on his arms that weren't treated. So without hesitation, I asked. "Oi, Naruto what's with the scars...on your arms?" 

I could clearly see Naruto's eyes widen as he tugged on his shelves so the scars weren't visible to me anymore. "N-nothing much I just f-fell" Naruto answered but I could tell that was a lie and this was a sensitive topic as well. I looked at him with my emotionless face and softly asked him. "Don't lie...I don't think that's a good start on getting to know people, you know..." I reasoned with him which seemed to work. 

Naruto signed still looking at the ground. "I-it's a long story..." Naruto warned me but I couldn't care less, There was something about him that made me want to listen but I just didn't know what..."Well, I'd like to hear it...if you don't mind, that is?" I asked him with my softest voice knowing it was a sensitive story I was willing to hear.

He looked at me and gave me a small smile. "Well...everyone in my nation thinks...I'm weak and I'm a mocker to my Dad's name, which there right...and I couldn't agree less. They hate me cause I'm a kitsune...because of the kitsune attack. I just remind them of it...I didn't even do anything yet, they would throw stones at me..." Before he knew it there were tears dripping down his face. I don't know but my body moved on its own. I gave him a tight hug, bringing his face to my chest. I then felt the bandages on my chest starting to soak but I couldn't care less. I covered him with my dark black wings and hugged him as he hugged back.

Naruto pulled away from my chest and lifted his head upwards. "Do you mean what you said earlier?" Naruto asked was sincerity. 'What did he mean' I thought as I narrowed my eyebrows. "About us being...friends?" He said with hope in his eyes for my answer. I nodded my head as we returned to hugging. This was definitely not a way I would start a friendship but Naruto...there is something about you that would make me do the impossible for you...but who really knows, am I right?  

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As a day passed. My wounds had finally healed, and I got a friend... These two went by so fast but so many things happened. No, that's not what concerned me. Right now I'm lying on the couch of my bedroom. Thinking until..."Sasuke! Your back! Where have you been?" Itachi asked me while invading my room once again. (Itachi is my annoying older brother) "For your information! I wasn't in the castle," I replied angrily to Itachi. 

"Hmm~ is that so...well a little birdy told me you went to the other nation's side, am I correct?" Itachi guess made my heart skip a beat. My eyes widened in shock as my head was facing the ceiling still. What? I made sure no one had followed me!  I thought before hearing Itachi say. "I presume I hit bingo, and before you ask who I sent. When I told you I sent a birdy, I sent a crow" Itachi explained as he left the room feeling proud of himself. I growled as I stood back up to find a book to read. He better not tell mother or father about this, I thought as I grabbed a book and headed to my bed. 

As I tried to read. The picture of Naruto kept popping up in my mind, and the more I think of it the more I thought about him. I then put the book up to my face. Naruto...I wonder what you're doing right about now...

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