Story Time

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I wake up with a wrap around my waist. I look around while I'm in a bed. I try to sit up but someone pushes me back down. I dont care to look around and find who it was but I just start yelling.

"Let me go! I need to leave!"

"Carter, calm down. Relax. You broke two ribs-" Tony says.

"Broke two ribs?! That was not my plan!" I yell, trying to sit up. I let out a yelp as I do.

"Plan?" Tony questions.

"Did I say plan? I mean... I got nothing." I say giving up.

"Wait. You mean you tried to leave? Your plan was to escape?" Tony asks.

"Well... Do you think you can fix my thrusters?" I ask changing the subject.

"No. You would try to escape again." Before I say anything, I swing my fist up at his face, and he grabs his cheek. I throw another hard one and knock him out. I'm sorry. My fist is all bruised again.

I slowly get ouy of the bed and test myself. I walk around and it doesn't hurt, I try running but it hurts really bad. I slow down and go at a fast walk and it doesn't hurt.

"AVICS, you there? Where is everybody?"

"James, Steve and Natasha are in the lobby, coming back from the restaurant. Tony is unconscious in the infirmary. There are no other people in the building, ma'am."

"Thank you, AVICS." Why do all the people have to be where I need to be?

I walk out of the infirmary and straight to the elevator. Don't notice me... The elevator dings and I slowly walk out and through the lobby with my hood up. Then they notice me. I make a run for it. I make it out the door, pain with each step and breath. It starts pouring rain, soaking me.

By the time I'm down the sidewalk, I start crying... Not just from the pain but from everything. I look behind me and I don't see anyone. I look infront of me again and keep running, then I am grabbed. I am spun around and arms are wrapped around me. At first I think they are Bucky's but then I look up and see it's Steve.

"You are fast for someone with two broken ribs. I hope I'm not holding you too tight..." He takes his jacket off because he notices my shivering.

"No, no it's alright... Thank you."

"You are welcome... Why were you leaving?" He asks we start to walk away from the building.

"I needed to leave and Fury still hasn't stopped by yet."

"He will come." I sigh and Steve laughs.

"Why are we walking away from the-" I am cut off when I let out a cry from pain. He goes to pick me up, "No, no... I can walk."

"Okay." He lifts his hands up in surrender, "And you did ask me if I wanted to 'hang out' or something."

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot, I've been so busy with-" Steve cuts me off.

"With Bucky... I noticed you two. You really make him happy."

"I know, and we've been through so much together..." I sigh again and keep walking. "When I don't have two broken ribs, I'm going to race you. And I'm going to run faster than you."

"Are you now?" Steve raises his eyebrows, and stops walking.

"Yes, I am." I simply say.

"Do you mind me asking how you and Bucky met?"


I was in my holding cell waiting for my daily torture.

But that day was different. I had heard rumors that HYDRA and KNEEL were going to colide.

KNEEL is an acronym for Kill Now Endure Effacement Later. They brain wash you and make you kill. After you finish your fifth assignment they will kill you. If you get hurt they kill you right there on the spot.

I was sitting chained to the wall when the leader walked in.

"Jay Hazelton... What a suprise."

"Janette." He unchains me from the wall. When he does I pounce on him. His gaurds rip me off of him and start beating me. The gaurd throws punches at my face. He stops and I spit my blood in his face. Pain travels throughout my face. I laugh and keep spitting the blood at him.

"Enough! I said get her out! We're going to put her in the ring to weaken her then we are going to kill her."

"Good luck with that, asshole." I laugh. They grab me and drag me out to the ring. They want me to be weak when they kill me so I don't try to escape or something. Or probably so the sirums work.

They shove me through the doors and lock me in the ring. I wait before I hear yelling and then the door across from me bursts open and a man with long hair is shoved in. They lock the door on him and start yelling and chanting.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" I cower in the corner waiting for it to be over. Then the guy walks over to me and slices a deep cut in my arm. I scream in pain. That's going to leave a scar.

"Just get it over with. They're gonna kill me anyway."

"I know. I'll get you out." He throws punches but doesn't hit me. I pretend to be hurt.

"Enough! She's ready."


I wait in a room, strapped down to a table. I struggle in the straps before a doctor comes in. He fills a syringe full of colored liquid and walks over to me.

"Eight shots of these will kill you, six will make you stronger and better. They both provide excruciating pain. Which do you want?... Eight is good then. Lets get started." Right at the last word he stabs me in the arm with the syringe. I cry out in pain, and he shoves another one in my other arm. I don't stop crying. Pain shoots through me and I start to shake uncontrollably. He stabs two in my legs, one in each and he shoves two in my stomach. Then the door busts open, and that man from the fight comes running in. He knocks out the doctor and rushes over to me. He unlocks the straps and pulls me off the table. He picks me up in his arms, bridal style and takes off running.

"My name is James, but you can call me Bucky. We have about two minutes before they find out we are escaping." I just nod my head.

"I'm Janette." Is all I'm able to spit out before I start shaking uncontrollably in his arms.

"You are going to be really strong. You are lucky I got you out before he put the other two in-" I cut him off by a cry of pain again. We run around a corner and out a door. We reach the woods. Just then shots are fired. James drops me to the ground, by a tree, after a few grunts come from his lips. He grabs the back of his thigh with a pain filled face. The KNEEL and HYDRA members run over to him. I hide behind a tree and he nods for me to run. I don't take a second to think. I run and I don't look back.

"Thank you, James." I whisper to myself.


"Don't tell anyone I told you that." I say to Steve.

"I won't." He starts to walk again.

"So how about that movie?"

Falling Into Your Life {Avengers/Bucky Barnes}Where stories live. Discover now