Chapter 15

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Warning, sexual content below, read at your own risk. When you see *** that is the section where it will be so you can more than skip it if you'd like.


A blinding light woke me from my peaceful sleep. Fluttering open my eyes, I noticed a dark figure under the duvet in the bed next to me. Curly hair...toned skin...


It was Harry. After all that he's done, it's only been one day.

I carefully move the covers off of me, looking at the bastard who had killed my boyfriend. It was tedious, but eventually I was able to just sit on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands. My eyes were puffy and sore, probably even red from crying. I just didn't have it in me to fight any longer. I was weak.

Sooner or later, I felt the mattress dip further. Looking back, I noticed Harry was staring at me. His eyes no longer pitch black, but emerald green. I could tell he was scrutinizing my face.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked abruptly, as if he had no idea what was going on through my head.

I didn't answer, which ended up with him getting to his feet and walking over to my side. He raised his hand, and I flinched, closing my eyes tightly. I expected him to slap me, but I was surprised by being caressed by a gentle hand.

I peeked through my eyelashes to see Harry looking pitiful; I was too emotionally worn out to argue, so I leaned my head against his hand and looked up at him. He looked exactly like the kid I used to know.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly before placing his other hand on the other side of my face.

My hormones were raging, especially with the trauma that had happened not even hours ago. I guess I was still in shock.

The silence started to feel comforting to me, and Harry, he seemed to be bipolar. One minute he'd be filled by rage and able to kill someone, the next, he's a teddybear. That's what you get from a mentally unstable man.

But, for some reason I felt protected... in a weird and scary way.


All of a sudden, I felt lips interlocking with mine.


I could feel Freya moving around next to me, but I decided to stay still for a bit longer.

After a few minutes, when all was quiet, I rolled onto my side and stared at Freya. Even with her back turned to me, I could still be awed by her beauty.

When I moved a bit closer, she seemed startled to find me staring at her. Her face was emotionless and I had a hard time trying to guess what she was thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

Freya looked stubborn, as if she was hesitant to tell me. I got to my feet, my mind whirling with confusion before I got to stand in front of her. I raised my hand, only to be shocked by her flinching sway. Did she think I was going to hurt her? After all I've done? Well I did kill someone, but I thought I made it clear to her I didn't want to hurt her.

I cautiously placed my hand on her cheek, it fit perfectly. I could sense her surprise as she looked up at me.

"I'm sorry." I said before placing my other hand on her other cheek. I lowered myself down, pressing my lips to hers, she didn't start to struggle, but gave in.

Would this be considered taking advantage of someone?

I don't know anymore.

Her instinct was to tangle one hand in my hair and to cup her other at the nape of my neck. She pulled me on top of her and I ended up pinning her to the bed with my hips between her legs and my hands on either side of her head. Her eyes were closed, but mine were open.

I scanned her face, taking in every little detail about her. Who knows, this might be my last time seeing her so close.

I grabbed the hem of her loose top and tried to slip it off of her, which she gladly obliged. My lips started to wander, and I ended up licking a space between her shoulder and neck, only to start sucking gently. My teeth grazed the skin and I felt her body arch upwards. Her stomach pressed up against my chest.

Her delicate lips parted and she let out a vocalized moan. That made my need for her even stronger, and even sealed her fate for these next couple of moments. My hands cupped her bra, getting sexually frustrated with the clothing.

I hooked my finger in the clothing between the valley of her breasts, the tearing noise echoed in this decent sized room. I heard Freya gasp as she felt herself be freed. Instantly, she covered herself up.

"No, don't." I coaxed her.

Soon enough, she let her arms drop their guard and she attempted to take off my my belt. I got off for a second to slip the belt off and then my pants, leaving me in my black boxer briefs.


I watched as he took his pants off, my nervousness only growing. That was until he cupped my bosoms, all anxiety left me. I decided to kick off my own pants. I was now almost naked, with just my laced panties protecting me and his own fabric.

All of a sudden, I felt him rub up against me. Damn, he was huge.

I could feel his hands slowly inching down from my collarbone, passed my chest, down my stomach which held my scars and stopped at my waist. He gently took my panties and inched them down my legs, I decided to help him out by lifting my legs and letting him throw them across the room.

Again, he placed his lips on mine and slowly rubbed himself up against me. I could feel him hardening and he let out a groan, his minty breath fanned my face before he stepped out of his underwear.

Next thing I knew, he had slowly dipped into me. I let out a squeal of pain, it hurt so fucking bad.

"Shh, shh. It's alright." He murmured into my ear lovingly. I felt so vulnerable.

After what seemed like hours which in reality was ten minutes, I had finally adjusted myself to his tip; only to curse out the fucking world when he embedded himself deeper into me. I inhaled sharply, letting out moans and squeaks and what not as he bucked himself back and forth into me.

I felt him tremble against me, and just as fast, I did so too. I was nearing my peak and soon enough, I came undone. Just five minutes before he did so as well inside of me. I cried out in pleasure and that's when he exited me and fell onto the bed besides me. His chest was heaving.


I looked down at the sheets and noticed there was blood on them.

"Oh fuck." I covered my face in embarrassment, blushing; only to have my hands pulled away and to see Harry laughing lightly at me.

"It's not funny!" I stubbornly said.

"No, it's not. It's a momento." Harry smirked.

I gasped in horror.

"No. Don't do that."  I scowled.

Harry raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay you win!" He said before slipping his arms around my waist and pulling me too him. I took the covers and lifted them over us to hide our naked bodies.

I had no idea if I regretted this or not.

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