Chapter 8

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My eyes started to burn as they pricked with tears that Harry caused. The fire was not something I wanted or liked to talk about.

It left one patch of burned skin on my right side and a long scar that curved from my left hip and slanting diagonally across my stomach and stopped right under my right breast.

The memories that coursed through my mind made me cringe, that I didn't know my arm slid under my shirt to caress the rough skin.

If only I could of taken back what I said to him, about us. Yes. Us. We dated back then but it wasn't such a big deal. We weren't intimate or anything. It just... happened I guess.

"I didn't mean what I said." His voice interrupted my thoughts. My back was faced towards him but I sent a glare at the bars that caged me, acting as if the bars were him.

If I was strong enough like maybe The Hulk, I would of gotten myself out of this place by now.

Well, round of applause to my bad fucked up unlucky life. My luck ran out ages ago. I think when I was like.... 14 maybe? I don't remember.

"Of course you didn't... You never do." My voice was as sharp as knives. I spun around to face him as my eyes narrowed into slits, sending daggers at him.

"You just find my weakest spots and hit them 100% just to make me vulnerable. If it wasn't for you, if it wasn't for me.... we would both have a normal life." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

Harry's face fell a bit. His eyes darkening.

"You don't know how much worse I got it than you." He muttered.

"I am mentally ill, I can't go anywhere without someone calling the police because I am just that fucked up. My face is all over the news, the S.W.A.T. team killed my mother trying to shoot me. They... They hit her in the lung and she was suffering... I didn't want her to suffer. So I took her out of her misery... But the team had such impeccable timing that in the middle of snapping her neck, they ran in. Making them have final thoughts of me being insane." He let out a dark chuckle.

"You just got it easy. If you were to be in my shoes, you would probably die, or commit suicide because you couldn't handle the intensity of my fucked up life." Harry was on the verge of tears. He pointed his finger to his chest, "Do you think I wanted this?" He flicked his wrist so his finger pointed to the door, his lower lip quivered.

"I didn't want this to happen. The voices in my head filled my mind with bullshit. Only coming to need when I need to escape them. I was actually going out to kill myself just before I saw you in the graveyard..." He shook his head. Setting his jaw as the light shadowed his jawline.

"I actually thought you cared for a split second. But, no. You were just scared I would find you and fulfill my promise. Well, here I am." He shot his arms out to the side as they pathetically fell to his side.

I was taken aback at his story. He looked so vulnerable like I thought I was. I guess not.

This made me rethink about what I said.

Moving my wrists, I tried to reach out to him and take him by the shoulder and turn him towards me so I could look him in the eye, but the plan backfired as the shackles held them back, making a metallic sound. Alarming Harry and bringing him back to reality.

Instead of being angry, he just sat there and fiddled with his nimble fingers.

A sudden burst of butterflies flew in my stomach.



Hey guys.~

This is what I wanted the filler to lead to :3 its a bigger chapter, anyways, tell me feedback of what I should do to make this story better.

Should I add smut in the next chapters?

Or should I wait?

Anyways, you tell me.

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Cyah later my Sinful Angels.

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