Monday Blues

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We were running.

Running from everything scary in life.

Running from life-ruining objects.

And by this I mean we were sprinting to my car, running from the rain.

After safely getting to my car, "Do you want me to drop you off at your house or at the party? Oh wait did you drive to the party" I asked.

"Nah, My friend drove me. If its not too much of an inconvenience could you drive me home?" He asked? You could tell he felt super bad by asking, but we lived in a smallish town, around 40,000 people, so there wasn't any form of public transportation yet.

He typed in his address in my navigation system, and it was only around 20 min away.

There wasn't any quiet moment. We talked the whole time about sports, quirks, who we hate the most and why, and it was great.

But then it gets more seroius. "What are you going to do about Josh?" Kayden asks, uncertainty written all over his face.

That question really makes me think. Kayden has been a great distraction the past 12 hours, and I haven't really thought about that issue yet. To be honest I've been completely avoiding it. Yes, he was drunk. But that doesn't excuse what he did, which was sexual assault. And that is something I don't take lightly, and clearly nor does Kayden.

"I don't know" I reply, clearly conflicted.

"Was he your friend? Why would you hang out with such a jackass." It was less of a question, more of a statement.

"We have been friends since we were little, he's on our football team, and always protected me, kind of like I was his little sister. No boys ever got near me, and he made sure of that. He was really great to me, ya know?"

"Echo, I hate to break it to you, but he didn't view you like his little sister. He clearly liked you. When people get drunk they just get the guts to say what they didn't when they were sober. But he crossed the line, you should stay away from him. Anyone who doesn't listen to a 'no' from a girl is bad news." He said super sternly, I stared into his eyes for a while it was like I was trapped, then realized I was almost going out of my lane, so I diverted my focus back to the road.

The rain was still coming back, and Girls by The 1975 was playing in the background. It was almost nostalgic.

We stopped talking. But it wasn't awkward, just content air.

The navigation system told me that we were almost to his house, and we were driving through an affluent suburbanite neighborhood, all cookiecuttered brick houses, some stone.

"You have arrived at your destination, on your left" The lady from my nav system announced, I named her Patty.

His house was what you would expect from him. Just from the outside in the driveway I could tell his family were all loved in there. I could tell that he had little siblings shown by the toys put in a pile on the side of the garage. It was a dream of mine.

He unbuckled his seatbelt, turned around to face me, "Hey Cinderella, now that Ive found you, saved your life twice, and bought you coffee, have I swooned you enough to possible get your number?" he says with a sly little smirk with a glitter in his eyes.

"Of course Kiss Cam Boy", I say while handing over my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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