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The Cafeteria was honestly dead silent. No one was speaking, all eyes were on me. I have never been the center of attention before; let me tell you, I hated it.

I was standing there like a scared rabbit in the middle of the doorway, not sure what to do. Then one person stood up and started clapping. One by one, I was assaulted by more noise. Some one started hooting and now I was honestly really confused.

With my cheeks burning, I run over to the table with the guys. As soon as I get there I sit down in my normal spot and put my head on the table, my hair covers my face. I whisper over to Josh, who is one of my best guy friends, "What is going on?"

I didn't even have time to pick up a pizza from the cafeteria line, I was to confused and embarrassed.

"Kiddo, have you been on Vine lately?" Josh responds with one eyebrow raised.

"You know I don't have social media, and does this have something to do with that stupid #kisscam? It was just a joke, I don't get why people are clapping!" I ramble out. I knew I shouldn't have done that thing. Karlie is such a bad influence. Funny how the people with the strictest parents end up being the craziest. 

"1.4 million hits. You're vine famous! Andrea Russett, Jessie Smiles, even Justin Beiber revined it!" Karlie says sitting down next to me, and interjecting into our conversation. I never even saw her enter the room. I guess the confusion and shock was affecting my brain. Pushing her plate piled with pizza in front of me. I think she was bragging. I don't have any pizza. So, of course, I grab a slice off her plate.

"So wait everyone was clapping because of that stupid vine?"

"Yep" she says popping her 'p'. "Oh, and I heard from someone at Karelson that the guy you kissed has been looking for you. It's all the buzz on Twitter right now. Apparently, he's been calling you his Cinderella. Of course, if you had any social media he would already have you in his arms..." She says while staring dreamily off to the side.

Yes, you heard her, I haven't gotten into social media. It has never interested me, nor have I ever needed it. I'm a big fan of calling people or talking to them in person, rather than 'poking' them. It is weird to me.

I end up just tuning her out, still in shock. I didn't know this was going to be that big a deal.

"Hey, Karlie can I see the vine? I never saw it after you recorded me doing it"

"Of course!" Karlie hands me the phone, already on the green popular page. And of course I'm on the top.

My eyes are glued to the screen for the first time I watched it. I can see why it got viral. The shock on his face and his friends mirror surprise. It only shows my long black hair and my dancers waist but I think I look pretty good. I mean you cant see my face. It honestly gets kind of intense, but it looks good. Then when I jump off and run away he is still in shock but you can see a sparkle of happiness glimmering in his eyes.

I look down and it says 123,027 comments. I click on them and start scrolling through them.

"She's so pretty OMG I wish I was her rn"

"I wish I had that confidence"

"He's so hot"

"Can we do this rn? @caroline0k"

I was actually surprised how positive the comments were. I hand Karlie back her phone and took a bite of the pizza.

You know how when someone is staring at you, you can feel it? Well, I feel it. I turn around and there Devon is staring at me with the same pleading look he has been giving me all week. It's his, 'I'm sorry for cheating on you, but it's not a big deal' face. I hate that face.

But I turn around back to my table, take a bite of my apple and say

"I'm gonna find that guy"


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