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He twisted me around. By back was against the wall. My legs wrapped around his toned body. His tongue was exploring my mouth with a controlled amount of dominance.

Sadly, like all good things, we had to stop. I needed air, and we just stayed in this position looking at each other.

He slowly lifts me up like I'm nothing and places me on the ground.

"As much as I love making out with you, believe me I really do, I would also love to learn a little about this beautiful girl" Kayden says with a wink. He grabs my hand and walks me to the nearest empty couch.

I duck my head and look at the floor and follow him.

He sits down on the couch, and grabs my hand and twists me down so I'm sitting almost on his lap. Kinda like how Gus and Hazel sit on the bench in The Fault In Our Stars.

He just stares at me waiting for something.

"Hi" I say, shyly tucking a hair behind my ear.

"Hello" with a wink he goes on, "So I have a couple questions for you"

"Um ya what's up I have answers I think" I say with a stutter.

"Well, first of all, hello I'm Kayden, a senior at Karelson High School, I play soccer, and I'm on the swim team. But my first question is, what prompted that kiss at the game?"

"Hi Kayden, I'm Echo: also a senior, I don't go to your school though. Um I dance for the varsity squad at my school. But I'm pretty boring. Well that was because of a dare from my friend Karlie, and I'm so sorry I know I shouldn't have but I mean you were there and you're super hot, I know I should've chosen someone more in my league but you were the 'chosen one' and I'm sorry for causing an inconvenience..."

He starts laughing and then I notice my rambling.

"Hey Echo I didn't mean to make you nervous, in fact I'm happy you chose me. I would've been jealous if you had chosen anyone else." Kayden says with a sparkle in his eye.

"Well you were my first choice" I say as I pitiful attempt at flirting.

"Hey dudee you found herr" A clearly intoxicated 'Jock' from Kayden's school come up and inturrupts us.

"Brody get going, I think you should go home now." Kayden says, and I notice how sober he is.

"But bro I think I'll just go gettt some more drinkssss"

"I'm sorry Echo, I think he needs to get home, I promised to drive all my friends home, but I'll find you another time" he says while walking away, almost carrying this huge jock.

"Wait..." I try to get his attention, but my voice is lost in the crowd.

And I didn't even get his number.

I got up, and started walking through the party, alone. He was too perfect. And I'm not too self conscious that I think everyone was above me: but he was. I have too much baggage, and he deserves better. He's the epitome of what a girl looks for: handsome, tall, athletic, and kind. And I will obliterate him. I mean everything I touch ends up destroyed.

I am suddenly woken out of my pitiful monologue, when I am suddenly wet.

I look down, and I'm doused in a red liquid. Dripping everywhere, I look up, and a blonde girl, model like, is staring in front of me with an empty cup.

"Bitch, what are you doing with my boyfriend. "


This is so late I was just in the mood to write so this kinda sucks so sorry

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