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'So maybe that whole thing was a dream' I think. I mean that's the only reasonable explanation for this.

I'm in bed. In my room. In my huge empty house. The only thing that proves that last night wasn't a dream, is my short black dress from last night that was still on.

I get out of bed. And because of my fast metabolism, my hangover in non existent.

This dress in uncomfortable. Also I HATE sleeping in a bra. So my first order of business is to go into my walk in closet, that's way to big for my liking, and put on a large tee shirt. If guys thing that regular bras are comfy, they're so wrong. I've gotten away with not wearing bras to school. They're scratchy and pesky.

The house is quiet, like normal. My parents haven't been home since the problem was solved. And yes I was the problem. They're always working, claiming that money is very important. It is, but we have enough to buy me a villa in Italy, and still send me to college at Harvard. Like 45 times. They think by not being here that they won't be hurt by me or from love; well that's their excuse, but to be honest it's bull.

I descend the grand marble staircase and I hear something. A faint snore.

And then I scream.

Someone is in my house. Someone is sleeping on my couch. But this someone has blond hair. He isn't a rapist or a robber, he's Kayden.

He was clearly woken up by my scream.

"Hey Echo it's okay! I'm not here to hurt you. I wasn't sure what to do at the party"


"PAUSE." I scream while I run up to my room and put spandex on.

But I had to interrupt him "SO YOU SLEEP AT MY HOUSE!?" I scream at him, still on the staircase, 10 feet away from him. "How the hell did you even know where I live? What happened? It's all kind of a blur. Why did you sleep here?"

"Hey I'm not going to kill you. Last night was a mess, hey come sit down, it's a long story." Clearly he's trying to calm me down, which he should, because I'm freaking out.

"Don't tell me what to do." I cross my arms and pout like a three year old, but my legs are getting tired from just waking up and being overused. So I sit on a couch, but the one across from him, farthest I can from him. I mean I'm freaked out. I barely know the guy and he slept at my house!? WITHOUT AN INVITATION FROM ME.

And then he explains.

"After we talked outside in the field. You came inside and had some drinks. I know you were mad at me, and you thought I was a cheater, which I wanna set that straight. I'm single. Claudia, the girl who poured her drink on you, is my ex. I broke up with her at the football game that we met at. Before you 'introduced' yourself to me.She isn't used to it and thought we were just taking a break. I'm done with her." He says with sincerity. And I believe him.

"But after you got wasted, one of your so called friends tried things on you. No guy should do anything with a girl who is under the influence, and he was trying to take you to bed. I stopped him, and you passed out. Don't worry, I didn't kill him, I just had to stop him. Violence isn't a solution for me, I just had to stop him, it was whats best for you."

I stared at him, wide eyed that someone cares so much about people, even me. He takes my silence and keeps talking.

"But he ran off, and you were there passed out. Everyone there knew you, but no one knew who your ride home was, and everyone said that your friend Karlie left? I tried to find her, but she was gone. And I wasn't going to leave you at the party. It wasn't a good place, and guys would defiantly take advantage of a beautiful girl like you.

"So I picked you up and heard car keys in your pocket. You were almost coherent at this point, so you told me to take you to the car and that the car is magic and will take you home? So after deciphering your drunken ramble, I grabbed your keys and went to go find your car. To be honest, I wasn't quite sure what I was doing, I just think that you needed to get out of there. Lucky for me, you have a very nice BMW with a navigation system. Which made sense with what you said. And I just set it to go home, and I was planning on dropping you with an adult or friend. Even a parent because you weren't healthy and you can't be alone when you're that drunk. And when we got to this huge house, you must have had a scanner in your car that let you in the front gate because it opened, and I rang your doorbell. You were still passed out, so I carried you, after like 10 min, I just opened the door because no one was home. I found your room, that was hard, and just laid you there. Don't worry I didn't change you. But no one was here. Rule number one of 'Nice Human Handbook' is to never leave anyone alone while passed out drunk. you could die or choke or other things. So it was safer for me to check on you every 20 min. So I stayed, and if an adult had come home I would've taken the blame, you just can't be alone when you're sobering up." He finishes his story and stands up. "It was all luck" he finishes with.

I'm in shock. Sure he overstepped his bounds a bit, but he's such a good guy. I mean he sacrificed his night, to help me. And didn't even make any moves on me, even when I was most vulnerable.

But he was getting is coat and walking out.

"Wait you can't just leave!"

"Why not?" He turns around and looks at me.

"You did so much for me, I need to repay you in some way. How about breakfast on me? I'll drive! I'm not taking no for an answer" I mean I ruined his night and he had to babysit me. No one has ever done that for me. Without him I may be waking up in the fields of the party, or worse.

"Sure, but just coffee."

I grab my keys, put on a sweatpants, and walk out with him. I look like hell, but I don't care.

I start up the engine, and zoom out of my driveway.

"So Starbucks or Caribou?" I say looking at him for directions.


This plane ride is super long

Just like this update.

Lmao save meeeee like you know I'm bored when I even proofread it.

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