Why We failed- pt. 6 The knight's Dilemma

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"You there! Yeah, you, the one with his head in the clouds. I'm talking to you, who else!?" A lower officer barked at me from the yard. He'd been directing traffic of servants and soldiers alike. "Today's the big day and you're in the way!"

He was a broad-shouldered man wearing a half helm emblazoned with the royal crest. My head was in the clouds alright. What just happened? Did I really spend the entire morning with the princess, or had I dreamt the whole thing?

"Are you deaf?! These wine casts aren't going to transport themselves to the Queen's meadow; and from what I hear, those plump little lords are thirsty and can gulp it down faster than we can pour it. So, if you don't mind, we'd like to be on our way!"

I blinked at his words, still unfocused and reminiscing what had just transpired between me and her. The echoes of serving men shouting small commands to one another, the creaks of wagon's being loaded, and the whining of horses rang in my ear.

"Are you testing me? You're hindering their path! Can't you see there's a line behind you? If I have to thump your skull to get that beast of yours a move one, so help me—"

I finally shook my head; and pinched my cheek. Yup, I was still alive and was not dreaming nor dead and gone to Hall of Nayru. Instead, I found myself still sitting idly by in the carriage that I had rode in with the princess on our way back to the bailey where I left her. How long have I been sitting here stewing? "Um, right, sorry m 'lord—" I managed to get out before he could stomp over toward me.

"On second thought, what are you even doing here?" he interrogated. "I don't recall ever seeing your face around here before."

Oh shit, he might recognize that I'm an initiate and not a soldier yet. Act casual. After all, it's a terrible crime to impersonate a man of the Royal Guard. The man rubbed his chin, squinting in the afternoon sun as he marched over to where I sat, scanning me up and down. "You must be one of Lark's men. Aren't you? Aren't you!?" he barked again.

Lark? Who the hell is Lark?

"Goddess, damn him, always leaving me his leftovers." He shook his head in disapproval. "Notoriously, Lazy! All of ya!" he raised his hand above his head and waved furiously in the breeze, ushering to where others were working in the loading bay. "Well, move that carriage and have a hop off, I'll find you some real work to do. You can loaf around and daydream on your own time!"

The castle courtyard was like a witch's cauldron, brimming with activity. Soldiers and servants alike hustled, carrying loads atop wagons for transport to the tourney grounds and party pavilions. From crates hauling livestock to be butchered and cooked for the feast, to barrels brimming with brew and everything in between, all would be taken down to the festival grounds. Nearby, the Seneschal shouted even louder his instructions to others under the command of the Master of Works, Lord Mason, who were busy gathering construction materials for the spectator stands that were still being built for the esteemed guests at the Queen's Meadow.

Nobility would have their own raised platforms and benches surrounding the King and the princess, whereas low bloods like me, outsiders and everyone else would have to make do with standing while watching the trials and games unfold. Only during the great feast will all be equal under the tent of the Royal Family. Many pavilions will be raised dotting the lush green hills of the meadow but at the center would lie the Trinity's tent. That is where the Royal Family would dine. And if all goes well during the trials, I'll be welcomed under it, even if it is only under the guise of a Guardsman.

As I prepared to dismount, another voice roared through the uproar, stopping the insistent officer who was questioning me in his tracks. "He is on my orders and performing crucial castle duties. If you need more help, then I suggest you go and talk to the steward. This lad's services are needed elsewhere today." It was Captain Finn, looking weary and in a rush. In a blur he hopped to sit beside me, cape flapping elegantly behind him, gesturing for me to take the reins. "Let's go, we're finished here. And be quick about it," he whispered frantically to where only I could hear.

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