Chapter 13

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She and Rook had not been searching for too long, as both Ace and Deuce were spotted rushing about the cafeteria from the windows of the main building. She cringed, seeing Deuce press his hand against one of the freshly cleaned windows.

"... There goes my hard work." She muttered before turning to Rook, who towered behind her.

"Thank you very much for your help! I'm sure I can take it from here!" She said, giving him a slight bow to show her thanks.

The young man removed his feathered hat, his eyes squinting slightly as he gave her a smile and he returned her bow. "I wish you luck in your endeavor! May we meet again soon!" He turned, leaving her.




She resented the school for having so many stairs. She'd huffed up about three flights before finally making it to the floor where the cafeteria was and she ran once more to reach the heavy double doors.

Slamming them open, she was prepared to yell at the three boys before her eyes widened.

"Did you come up with somethi- Oh, hey! Stop! What are you doing?!" She saw Ace backing away from Deuce. "Why are you pointing your pen at me?!" He yelped, eyes wide.

"Because I'm going to launch you." Deuce stated, completely sure of his decision.

"Wait, don't-!" She cried, unable to stop Deuce.

"Bwaaah! Put me down! Seriously, do not launch me! Abort! ABORT!" Ace was lifted off of the ground. For a cruel moment, Yuu held her breath wondering if Ace felt what she had when he'd sent her flying.

She watched him screech as he hurtled uncontrollably toward the large hanging chandelier that had once decorated the grand cafeteria, cringing as he collided. The chandelier, grand as it was, swung aggressively, groaning and creaking for a moment. It stopped, and Yuu almost released her breath.

All of a sudden, she heard a cracking sound, Ace and Grim jerking as the chandelier's wire began to give way.

"W-w-WATCH OUT!!!" She yelped, pulling Deuce backward. The final SNAP! Bounced off the cafeteria walls as the horrible groaning of the structure signaled that it was falling to the ground.

She cried out in terror as the chandelier hit the ground with a loud crash, clouding the area with dust and debris.

"The chandelier!!!" Yuu cried, eyes wide in realization. "Oooh no. Nonononono! I'm in SO much trouble!" She hissed, running toward the destroyed structure.

She heard the familiar groan of a trouble making ginger, and the disoriented meow of a reckless little cat monster.

Thank goodness. They're alive! She heard Ace cough as he struggled to wriggle his way out of the wreck.

"I cannot believe you just did that!" He glared at Deuce.

"Oh, right! I probably should have come up with a way to soften your landing after you caught him..." Deuce muttered to himself.

Ace examined the wreck anxiously. "You complete and total moron!" Yuu heard him groan. "We got Grim, but we broke the chandelier! If the headmage finds out about this-"

"If I find out about... what, dear Ace?" Came the sickly sweet voice from the doorway. Yuu felt her heart sinking with dread, recognizing the owner of the voice.

"Ah! Headmage Crowley...!" Ace scrambled, looking for the proper words that would quell the headmage's rage. Unfortunately for the group, he was unsuccessful.

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