Book 3, Chapter 9

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As Yuu sat inside the Monstro Lounge, she felt she stuck out like a sore thumb, awkwardly sipping on a cup of water that she's been offered as she watched several anemone boys zip past the table, very clearly stressed. It reminded her of the time she'd deemed it a good idea to get a job as a waitress. Yeah, never again.

"Well... This place is too fancy for me and now I feel underdressed." Yuu huffed, making Jack almost choke on his water.

"That's what you're worried about- Nevermind." The wolf boy cleared his throat. "Remember, you're in enemy territory. Stay sharp."

Yuu gave a nod. "I am, but this place gives me horrific flashbacks to my time as a server. It's horrific." Jack gave her a curious look, about to speak when he was stopped by the voice of one of the eel brothers.

"Eyyy, Little Shrimpy!" Floyd called, bounding toward Yuu and Jack's table like an excitable Great Dane. "Glad you could make it!"

Floyd stopped in front of the table, a wide grin of sharp teeth on full display as he looked at Jack." I see you've got a sea urchin plus-one." He teased, making Jack grab his cup of water and grumble under his breath.

"I told you not to call me that!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Yuu noticed the other twin, Jade, make his way to the table.

"Well, well. Thank you for coming to our establishment so promptly." He offered a polite smile. "Welcome to the Mostro Lounge. Is this your first time dining here?"

From beside Yuu, Jack gave Jade a pointed look. "Y'know, I've been wondering since lunch... Do you have a thing for askin' questions you already know the answers to?"

"I like to keep my bases covered." Jade replied coolly with a smirk.

"Now then, if you would allow me to provide you with a rundown of our establishment..." Jade began, handing both the 19 year old and the 16 year old a menu.

"The Mostro Lounge is a meeting place for gentlemen. Any quarrels with other dorms are verboten here." Jade informed with practiced grace. "Students from all dorms are expected to abide by Octavinelle rules on the premises. We pride ourselves on providing a place for everyone to enjoy under the same set of rules."

Yuu and Jack looked at each other before examining the drinks menu.

"With that out of the way... How may I assist you today?" Jade asked pleasantly.

"You know why I'm here." Yuu heaves an exhausted sigh, setting the menu to the side. "I have some business I need to discuss with your boss."

Jade and Floyd chuckled, sharing a knowing glance. "Very well. The manager is currently meeting with another patron. Could I ask you to wait in the lounge until such time as his schedule opens up?" Jade asked politely.

"And lest I forget, our establishment has a one-drink minimum. You must order at least a single beverage of some variety." Jade pushes the menu back in front of Yuu, making her grumble.

"Wow. You're a true business man alright." Yuu looked over the brightly colored drinks. "Just give me something that isn't too sweet or high in caffeine. I'd like to be able to actually sleep tonight."

Jade gave a nod. "Of course! Sea anemone, if you could take our esteemed customer's order?" Jade looked at two familiar anemone servers, Ace and Deuce.

Deuce, ever polite and very clearly dying internally responded first. "Sorry, I've got drinks to run."

"You do it! We're slammed over here!" Ace snapped. "You keep making us do all the work while you're just sittin' pretty over there."

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