Book 1, Chapter 20

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"Ah... I believe I understand the situation." Crowley stated grimly, eyes flashing to Yuu as he croaked in hidden concern after having heard that he had fainted during the fiasco at Heartslabyul. Yuu noticed the look in his eyes, one that said she'd be following him to the infirmary after this talk.

"You are resistant to the idea of apologizing, but unable to devise any other method to get the housewarden to remove the collar."

"Yeah, pretty much." Ace shrugged.

"I see. If you and the housewarden are truly unable to reconcile, you could always transfer." Crowley suggested, making Ace scowl. "However, this is the dorm that the Dark Mirror chose for you based on the essence of your being. Any attempt to relocate would necessitate quite a burdensome process, as well as a new ritual."

"A transfer, huh...? That'd make me feel like I was running away with my tail between my legs." Ace grumbled at the thought.

Crowley hummed in understanding before suggesting one more thing. "Then it sounds like you should challenge Mr. Rosehearts for leadership of the dorm."

Yuu's eyes widened in complete surprise, getting that sinking feeling in her stomach again. Oh boy... this somehow seems like the more stupid idea...

"WHAAAAAT?!" The boys exclaimed in shock, prompting Crowley to dramatically hush them.

"Lower your voices! This is a library!" He ordered, the boys acting accordingly.

"But what you said was...insane!" Ace whisper-yelled, eyeing the headmage.

"There is nothing remotely 'insane' about it." Crowley assured the boy with a wave of his hand. "After all, that's how Mr. Rosehearts got the position."

"What exactly is the process by which housewardens are selected at Night Raven College?" Deuce questioned hesitantly.

"Trey said that Riddle became a housewarden within his first week as a student here." Grim pointed out.

"There are several ways. You could be appointed by the previous housewarden, for example, or duel the current warden and win. A duel is certainly one of the simpler methods." Crowley mentioned, obviously encouraging the duel.

Yuu looked on in disbelief.

"But... Isn't fighting with magic against the rules?" Ace asked.

"In general, yes." Crowley nodded before elaborating. "A duel initiated through a formal procedure and conducted in the presence of the headmage is another matter entirely."

"I'm pretty sure the duel rules don't allow for preemptively handicapping your opponent..." Trey agreed, suddenly gaining the interest of Ace. "So this could be a way to force Riddle to remove your collar without apologizing. That said..."

"The right to challenge a housewarden is bestowed upon all students when enrolling at Night Raven. So what do you say, Mr. Trappola? Will you challenge Mr. Rosehearts?" Crowley asked. Ace looked excited.

"Sure, I'll give it a shot!"

"Then I will too." Deuce joined.

"Me three!" Grim hopped up.

Crowley's eyes sparkled in amusement at the cat's desire to fight. "I'm afraid not, Mr. Grim. You cannot challenge a housewarden of a dorm to which you do not belong." He chided.

"Myah?! Then how'm I supposed to get this buzzkill collar off?!" Grim whined with a meow.

Ace laughed, cocky grin decorating his face like the nose of a clown. "If I become housewarden, I'll just order Riddle to remove it! Easy-peasy!" Ace smirked.

Yuu looked nervously to the Headmage. There is no way I might have to be the voice of reason in this...

"How will everyone know how tough I am if you do that?" Grim pouted.

Yuu opened her mouth to say something before Trey cut in. "Are you sure about this? I certainly didn't expect you to throw your hat in the ring, Deuce."

Thank you, Trey!

"You didn't? I think every man's gotta make a grab for glory at least once in his lifetime." Deuce explained. "And if we're teaming up to take him down, ya better believe I'm running the show!"

"Oh man, here we go again." Ace replied with a scoff and a roll of his eyes.

Deuce seemed to have picked up the insult, as he responded with a warning. "Huh? What'd you say?"

Crowley, seeming rather pleased with himself, nodded. "Then I'll get started on the paperwork."

"Woah, woah woah!" Yuu sighed at the realization that she'd have to try to act as a reasonable person. "Are we really sure this is a good idea? Y'know... given Riddle's mastery of magic?" She questioned, worried about the recklessness of the boys.

Ace simply laughed, slapping a hand on her back, nearly shoving her forward. "Don't get all worked up on me now. All we need's a plan." Ace assured Yuu before looking around. "Anyone got one?"

Yuu blinked, disbelief and disappointment etched on her features. "You really thought it was a good idea to agree to a duel... without any sort of plan? Are you stupid?!"

"Hard to imagine we can beat Riddle with straightforward magic. A solid left hook, on the other hand..." Deuce muttered.

"Yeah, that guy looks like a pushover!" Grim agreed.

"Ah," The headmage cut into the conversation. "Did I forget to mention that detail? These duels are to be fought solely with magic." He informed, making Yuu place her head in her hands.

"What?!" Deuce yelped, suddenly understanding Yuu's hesitancy.

She gave a quiet groan at the growing stress headache before looking at the group. "Welp. Pardon my language, but we're fucked."

Crowley cawed an amused laugh. "Nothing beats a good, civilized duel! Now, the paperwork should be prepared and filed on the morrow, and the duel scheduled accordingly." He bowed his head, offering his arm to Yuu, who knew exactly where he was taking her.

"Aight, let's do this! I may not be the world's greatest mage, but...I'll figure something out!" Ace said, hyping himself up.

"That's the spirit!" Deuce remarked, clenching his fist.

"My head's on the line here, so don't mess this up!" Grim warned, walking over to where Yuu was, climbing up her legs and into her arms.

Trey looked a bit helpless as he watched the group plotting the overthrow of his childhood friend, clearly affected by Ace's earlier harsh words.

"You guys..."

"When I'm housewarden, I'm gonna make Riddle fess up to bein' wrong. I'll make him apologize, too! And no one in the dorm is gonna have to live by any crazy rules ever again!" Ace declared, holding his head high with sparkling, hopeful eyes.

Yuu watched the group for a moment, heart tightening with concern and growing fondness. She could not help the fond smile as she sighed in defeat. "Fine... I'll do my best to help. But that means you guys better wait for me at Ramshackle. I need to go do something right now."

Yuu turned toward the Headmage, sharing a silent look with the man, an agreement to follow. The headmage nodded with a smile before leading the way. 

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