Book2, Chapter 16

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The three wandered into the cafeteria, Yuu completely flanked by Riddle and Cater as they spoke.

"Okay, so. Jamil has long, black hair." He informed his underclassmen, looking around. "Let's see... Ah, there he is!" Cater chirped as he whisked the shorter students toward .

"You're the guy who got banged up in the kitchen yesterday, right? Mind if we chat?" Grim asked authoritatively, immediately hopping up to the table. Yuu gave Grim a look of warning when she noticed him, eyeing the boy's plate of food.

"What is this? An inquisition?" Jamil scoffed, sitting up straight to look up. Yuu examined him for a moment, scanning over him before her eyes landed on a bandage on his hand.

From beside him, a familiar sunshiny, white haired boy cried out. "Oh, hey! That's the weasel who set my rear on fire at orientation!" He pointed at Grim, and Yuu's eyes widened in realization. The boy that caught fire! I have to apologize on behalf of Grim.

Riddle, from beside Yuu, scowled distastefully at Grim's lack of tact. "Grim. You need to work on your tone. Tact is important for these sorts of things." He scolded before calming himself down enough to apologize. "Forgive us for interrupting your breakfast."

The white haired boy laughed joyfully. "Wow, the Heartslabyul housewarden and the fire-spitting weasel. Ahaha, what a fun combo!"

"I ain't a weasel!" Grim yowled, his tail flicking in warning. "The name's Grim. And that's my minion, Yuu."

Yuu rolled her eyes, "Not his minion." She interjected. "But nice to meet you."

The white haired boy smiled. "Well, I'm Kalim, Scarabia's housewarden." Kalim took Yuu's hand and Grim's paw, shaking them in the most energetic way possible before he gestured toward Jamil. "And that's my vice housewarden, Jamil."

"Uh, sure." Grim blinked, almost dizzy from the interaction. "Man, this guy throws me off."

Jamil cut in, blunt yet polite in his way of speaking. "So, why are you asking about my accident?"

"We're here at the headmage's behest." Yuu spoke. "We're investigating the recent incidents."

"The headmage? Huh... Well, okay." Jamil stated, accepting the reasoning surprisingly easily. "Last night, I was in the kitchen frying up some lamb rolls at Kalim's request."

Kalim, from beside Jamily jumped up excitedly. "Oh man, you guys have NO idea how amazing Jamil's lamb rolls are. You've gotta try 'em one day." He gushed. My guy gives off pure golden retriever energy. Yuu thought, smiling awkwardly.

"Can we stay focused here, Kalim?" Jamil deadpanned, pulling the boy back.

"Ah, right. Sorry!" Kalim apologized, making Jamil sigh heavily before he continued.

"When I was chopping the ingredients, it was like my knife hand went wild and cut my other hand all on its own."

Kalim popped back up, concern for his friend evident in his face. "It makes no sense! Even the dorm's head chef can attest to Jamil's legendary knife skills." He turned to Jamil. "Were you tired from Spelldrive practice, maybe?"

Jamil shook his head, seemingly more exhausted by Kalim's presence than any actual practice. Regardless, he responded politely. "No. Not so tired I couldn't control my hands. But at one point while I was cooking, I did feel kind of light-headed."

Yuu tilted her head. "Did you suddenly get a dizzy spell? Or was it a heavy feeling of fatigue?" Perhaps she could help with that.

"No..." Jamil responded with a grateful and polite tone. "Most people would think that, but I know that sensation. I think I was feeling the effects of someone's signature spell."

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