Book 2, Chapter 2

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Yuu stormed to the front of the line toward the little cat monster with her two first-year friends in tow, glaring as the monster raised his prizes excitedly. "Ha! Guess who scored the last deluxe grilled cheese sandwich? This guy. That's why they call me Grim the Great!" He meowed excitedly, cackling. "I also snagged a bear claw AND a cronut!"

Yuu, in her ever crabby mood, finally reached Grim, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck, giving him a warning look. "You. Are in SO much trouble." She said with a forced, sickly sweet smile. Grim smiled nervously, offering her his cronut.


Yuu narrowed her eyes, insulted, but was not able to deny her appetite.

Deuce, sensing Yuu's annoyance, pushed past her, "Grim, you need to learn some restraint!" He scolded before turning to face the unhappy boys, quickly apologizing with shame in his voice. "I'm really sorry, guys."

Ace, being the shameless one of the four, stepped in front of Deuce. "Yo, Pops, gimme one of those roast beef sandwiches." He said with a smile, only for Deuce to grab him by the collar and pull him backward.

"Hey! You're cutting in line too!" Deuce said, dragging Ace away from the front, shooting one more apologetic glance at the others.

Once they'd made their way to the back of the line, Yuu's hands completely empty of treats, she heard a voice from beside her.

"Rats. Looks like I'm late for the monthly bakery battle royale."

She turned to look, instinctively looking at the person who'd spoken. Yuu's eyes widened when they'd landed on a familiar looking boy.

"And now they're sold out of the grilled cheese Leona sent me to buy for him." He grumbled, about to turn and walk away, although not before noticing Yuu's wide-eyed gaze on him. He shot her a smirk.

Grim, from just in front of her, laughed triumphantly, raising his sandwich once more. "I'm gonna savor the flavor of this victory!" Yuu sighed, noticing the boy's ears twitch as he turned around, face friendly as he made his way over to where Grim was standing.

"Pardon me, friend." Ruggie said with a charming smile that unsettled Yuu to some extent. "I see you were able to get your hands on the highly-prized deluxe cheese sandwich. Incredible!" He praised, ignoring Yuu who simply examined Ruggie suspiciously.

Grim, surprisingly, clutched the sandwich to his chest, eyes narrowed at the hyena boy. "Who're you and whaddaya want with my meat?"

"Oh, I'm just a guy who really, really wanted to buy that sandwich you've got there, but arrived a smidge too late." He lamented. "Speaking of which, here's a proposition for you..." He balanced what looked like a bread roll in his hand, offering it to Grim.

He wants to trade? For that?

"Might you be willing to trade your deluxe grilled cheese for this very exciting hot dog bun?"

"Whaaat?!" Grim hissed, backing away from the blonde. "You must be outta your mind, dude!"

"Oh, come now. Let's not be like that. Here, have the hot dog bun. I insist." Ruggie said with a devious smirk, extending his hand. Yuu furrowed her brow when she noticed a bit of sparkling from the pen in Ruggie's pocket, however turned away when she heard Grim yowl in surprise.

"What in the name of tuna...?! My paws are movin' on their own!" He cried, looking scared and sad.

"Hold on! You're actually going to trade?!" Yuu cried in surprise. "It doesn't even have a hot dog in it!" She eyed Ruggie as she spoke, looking to see if she could catch some sort of reaction.

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