Book 1, Chapter 19

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The plan was set, the die was cast. The group of collared teens simply had to wait as their prey arrived to return a book from the library. Luckily for Yuu, she'd gotten quite a bit of help from the magic portraits in tracking Trey.

Her mind and heart burned with questions for him after the terrifying display that had taken place earlier that day.

She watched through the holes between the books on the shelves, tapping three times on the books. He's here. She signaled before following after him.

"Hello, Trey." Deuce said, announcing his presence, effectively surprising Trey, who turned on his heel.

"You four!" He exclaimed, eyes wide as he pieced together the group's formation.

"We figured that if we waited at the library, you'd show up to return your tart cookbook eventually." Deuce admitted, maintaining a respectful attitude toward his upperclassmen.

"We still got a problem with the way Housewarden Riddle is handling all of this." Ace declared, as opposed to Deuce, he seemed to be more casual.

Trey examined the faces of the collared group, eyes flooded with guilt as he sighed in defeat. "Yeah, I thought you might say that."

"Come clean with us. What's your take on Riddle? Is it true you've been pandering to him since the two of you were kids?" Ace stepped forward, demanding answers from the green-haired teen.

Trey paused, surprised at Ace's revelation. "What?! Who told you that?"

"A certain cat." Yuu responded, allowing Deuce to finish.

"A guy who called himself Chenya."

Trey blinked. "Chenya..." He thought, shrugging after a few minutes. "Huh. That explains it." Trey removed his glasses, wiping them. It was something that Yuu considered to be a nervous tick, as she recalled how Anthony would do something similar when faced with an uncomfortable situation.

Her eyes saddened for a moment at the memory before she forced herself to harden them again.

"What I don't get is, aren't you older than Riddle? Why haven't ya told him off already?" Grim asked, hopping out of Yuu's arms, demanding and confident as he marched toward Trey.

"I do when I need to. I don't think the situation calls for it." He explained coolly. Yuu bit her lip.

"Why not?" Ace huffed.

"These sorts of strict rules..." Trey paused, perhaps considering the proper phrasing, allowing for a moment of uncomfortable silence with the teenagers. Trey swallowed before continuing. "They're what created Riddle."

Yuu furrowed her brows, mouth twisting into a frown as she considered the implications of Trey's words.

Deuce, however, made a sound of confusion, quickly prompting Trey to further his explanation.

"His parents were famous magical healers. Everyone where we're from knew their names. His mom was especially talented, and she really wanted Riddle to live up to her legacy."

The group took a breath.

"So, from the moment Riddle woke up to when his head hit the pillow at the end of the night... Every aspect of his life was planned, down to the minute, by the education program she made for him."

Yuu felt her frown deepen. A helicopter parent is never healthy... She zoned into the contents of Trey's brief story.

"Sounds pretty lame!" Grim said, yelping as Yuu nudged him with the tip of her foot. Her warning glare quieted the cat-monster very quickly.

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