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After a few days of me being in heat I finally wake up feeling better only to frown when I don't see Leo in bed or smell him nearby. Quickly getting up I pull on some shorts then rush out of the bedroom only to immediately relax a little when I see him in the kitchen cooking. Moving closer he turns his head slightly and gives me a little smile. "Hey how are you feeling?" I move closer taking a seat at the breakfast bar feeling a wave of relief. "I'm okay. My heats over with but my wolf panicked when I didn't see or smell you in bed." He gives me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry. I thought you'd be hungry so I decided to make breakfast." I give him a reassuring smile. "It's okay. I appreciate you looking after me." He gives a little hum. "Of course I'm going to look after you you're my mate." I blush a little then immediately think about Daehyun and frown. "Have you checked up on Daehyun? How is he?" Leo gives me a reassuring look. "I checked on him this morning he's doing great and the others are keeping him occupied." I relax a little feeling a bit relieved. Suddenly Leo hands me over a plate of food before looking at me curiously. "So you don't have to answer but what exactly happened with Daehyun's father?" I immediately make a face and sigh. "I went to a party with my alpha friend and I ended up completely drunk out of my mind then next thing I know I'm waking up naked in bed alone with no sign or trace of anyone not even my so called friend. After a few weeks pass I find out I'm pregnant with Daehyun and am the complete talk of our hometown. An unmated single omega being pregnant was definitely something to talk about so I got in touch with Nico and moved here while I was pregnant." He frowns slightly. "Did you ever get ahold of your so called friend?" I give a little nod. "Yeah he admitted to drugging me with the rich kids and using me as a bet. Needless to say I was pretty upset." He nods in understanding and I finish eating before stretching a little and get up taking our empty plates and kiss Leo's cheek as I pass by to get to the sink. I put my plate in the sink only to tense up for a second when arms wrap around my waist I relaxing and melting back into the embrace. I let out a sigh of contentment then pipe up hopefully. "Can we go out somewhere? I don't care where we go I just need out of this apartment." He hums before slowly letting me go and looks down at me. "How about we go to a cafe?" I can't help but smile and nod. "That works besides I bet you need your coffee fix." He looks a little sheepish and I giggle before going and pulling on a shirt then grab my phone and wallet tugging him to the door where we slip on our shoes I handing Leo a cap that hides his face enough not to recognize him. We then start walking down the street to a small cafe and head inside I looking through the menu curiously. As I'm studying the menu I don't really notice the alpha barista eyeing me a little too closely. Finally making up my mind about what I want I tell my order and grab Leo's hand leading him over to a table. After a minute our order number is called and I assure Leo that I'll get it I getting up and head to grab our coffees the alpha who took our order giving me a bright smile. "Have a nice day." I give him a kind smile back thanking him before I head back to Leo handing him his coffee and take a seat across from him I blinking when I see a frown on his face. "What's wrong?" He shakes his head and points to my cup I looking down in confusion only to see a message along with a phone number the message reading "I'd like to see you again sometime call me." I frown making a face of disgust and quickly finish my coffee before I set the cup aside and reach for Leo's hand holding it. He stays quiet as he finishes his coffee and gets up leading us out the door as he throws away our cups. We walk back to my apartment and as soon as we enter and I slip my shoes off I'm gently pinned against the closed door and brought into a soft but passionate kiss I immediately kissing back eagerly. He slowly pulls away from the kiss and nuzzles against my neck scenting me I exposing more of my neck submissively. After a minute of scenting me he gently nips at my scent gland my breath hitching a little in pleasure. He then grabs my hand and leads me into the bedroom where I'm gently picked up and laid on the bed where he hovers over me we quickly becoming entangled in each other again.

Gonna be alright (a Leo Vixx x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now