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The next day I'm getting ready so we can go get Daehyun I really missing my baby a lot. Once I'm dressed and ready Leo takes my hand then leads me out of the apartment we heading to his dorm. Once we reach it Leo quickly leads me inside where Daehyun looks up and immediately runs over to me jumping into my arms. "Daddy!" I smile catching him and hug him close to my chest. "Hey sweetie." He looks at me a worried look on his face. "Are you okay daddy?" I smile softly and nod. "Yeah sweetheart I'm fine. I'm so sorry that I scared you." He gives me a little cute smile. "It's okay." He then starts babbling on about how he and the other members played games and watched movies I smiling and nodding along.

(Leo's Pov)

As Daehyun babbles to Vance I slip by and head over to my members they giving me curious looks. "So how was time with your mate?" I immediately smile at N's question. "Great. It turns out that the whole alpha thing was a big misunderstanding. It was his brothers scent I was smelling." They immediately seem to relax and give me bright smiles. "Good. It was horrible seeing you torture yourself by trying to push away the mating pull." I give a little nod and can't help but to look over at Vance and Daehyun a happy smile on my face. Vance soon makes his way over to my side and bows politely to the other members. "Thank you so much for looking after my son I really appreciate it." They wave him off assuring him that he wasn't any trouble. Daehyun then squirms a little wanting down and he rushes off Vance looking at me shyly. "I should probably head home and get him down for a nap." I immediately feel a little sad but he gives me a reassuring look. "We'll text and see each other tomorrow." I give a little nod and soon Daehyun rushes back into the room holding something against his chest. Vance looks curious but picks the little boy up and tells him to wish us goodbye he pouting but tells us bye. Vance then excuses himself and leaves I watching him go a little sadly.

(Vance's Pov)

Heading to my apartment I lead Daehyun to the bedroom and gently set him down looking at the paper he's holding curiously. "Whatcha got there bub?" He smiles and hands the drawing over to me I seeing three figures drawn holding hands I looking curious. "That's me and you and Mr Leo." I smile a little softly when suddenly what he says next shocks me. "Daddy I want mr Leo to be my appa." I pause and look down at him a little wide eyed. "What brought this on?" He shrugs. "He's really nice and helps take care of me. And he helped you when you was hurting and makes you happy." I feel my cheeks blush but I gently set the drawing aside and start tucking him into bed. "We'll talk about this some other time okay? Now take your nap." He pouts but curls up and slowly falls asleep I quietly leaving the room to clean up the apartment.

Gonna be alright (a Leo Vixx x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now