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(Leo's Pov)

Hearing Vance mention the connection and pull between us I lie and say a little harsher than I intend. "It's just you who's noticed then." I see his face turn upset I quickly looking away unable to handle it I glad I'm wearing a mask so he can't see my guilty expression. "You don't feel anything?" I shake my head no lying and stare out in the distance so I don't have to see his heartbroken expression. "No I don't. You must be imagining things." I hear a little sniffle and he says softly his voice cracking. "Oh. I'm sorry." I don't say anything my heart hurting and I see Vance scrambling to his feet he saying in a hurt tone. "I'm sorry for bothering you. And you won't have to worry about watching Daehyun anymore." Before I can say anything he's running off I watching him get Daehyun before they leave the park I immediately letting out a groan before I get up and head back to the dorm I feeling broken and numb inside. Once I enter the dorm I take off my shoes along with the mask and cap then step into the living room Hongbin looking up and frowns. "Whoa why do you look like someone died?" I give him a dirty look as the others turn to me in concern. "Vance brought up the mating pull and connection but I lied and said I didn't feel anything because I saw his alpha drive him and Daehyun to the park and he was wearing his jacket with his alpha's scent on it." They all give me sympathetic looks and I mumble softly walking past them. "I'm going to lay down." I quickly head to my room and climb into bed feeling a cold wave of loneliness wash over me I feeling my wolf becoming more and more agitated but I ignore it.

(Vance's Pov)

Quickly rushing home after grabbing Daehyun I silently walk into the apartment Nico immediately giving me a look of confusion. "What are you doing back so early?" I put on a fake smile and look down at Daehyun. "Sweetie can you please go watch tv?" He nods rushing off to the living room and I turn to Nico immediately breaking down I letting out a broken sob. "He doesn't feel it. The connection and pull I thought I felt. He says he doesn't feel anything." Nico immediately pulls me into a tight hug I clinging to him brokenly for awhile until I slowly pull away sniffling. "I'm going to go lay down. Can you look after Daehyun please?" He nods assuring me he has it covered and I shuffle my way to my room curling up under the covers and cry myself to sleep.

Gonna be alright (a Leo Vixx x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now