Ch 7

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The next morning I'm abruptly awoken by a force landing on my bed my eyes shooting open only to groan when I see a fully dressed Daehyun he bouncing on the bed a little. "Daddy wake up! You said we can go to the park today!" I turn my head to see the time on the alarm clock groaning when I see it's seven in the morning. "Daehyun it's too early to go to the park." He pouts and pokes my cheek repeatedly. "Uncle is up though and he told me to wake you up." I immediately grumble but sit up rubbing my eyes and then run a hand through my hair feeling a little off but chalk it up to being tired. "Alright I'm up." Daehyun cheers then climbs off the bed and runs off I sighing then reluctantly get up shuffling my way to the kitchen. "Good morning sunshine!" I glare at my brother before taking a seat at the breakfast bar I seeing Daehyun in the living room watching cartoons. "So Daehyun told me he's been around someone called Leo. What's that about?" I roll my eyes at his protectiveness. "He's someone who works in the company and he's been watching Daehyun teaching him how to dance while I work. He's really good with him." Nico raises an eyebrow at me. "And does this Leo happen to be an alpha?" I give him a slight look. "Yes he's an alpha. But he's been nothing but respectful and nice." I can't help but grumble a little. "He hasn't even tried to make a move." Nico stares at me in slight surprise and disbelief. "Whoa Vance do you like him?" I give him a look shushing him before saying quietly. "I'm pretty sure he's my mate. I say pretty sure because my wolf is extremely drawn to him but he hasn't said anything or even tried to make a move." Nico raises an eyebrow at me. "I think you should talk to him then." I hum looking a little nervous. "I guess I can talk to him today at the park." Nico stares at me blinking. "He's going to the park with you guys?" I nod. "Yeah Daehyun wanted him to come. And admittedly I like being around him." Nico shakes his head smiling. "My little brother is growing up. Just make sure this guy is mature enough and ready to accept the responsibility of having Daehyun around." I give him a slight look as he puts some pancakes on a plate in front of me he giving an innocent smile. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I immediately grab it checking to see that I have a message from Leo I having texted him last night so he'd have my number.

Leo: do you need me to pick you up to go to the park?

I look at the message and bite my lip before looking at my brother. "Leo wants to know if he needs to pick me and Daehyun up." Nico immediately frowns. "No I'll drive you guys." I roll my eyes at his protective tone but text Leo that I have a ride but thank him for offering. I then quickly eat before I get up and start to head to my bedroom to get dressed. I pull on a simple black t shirt and jeans along with one of Nico's jackets needing to feel safe and comfortable for some reason. Once I'm dressed I head out and give Daehyun a smile. "Alright bud let's go to the park." He immediately cheers and smiles happily Nico scooping him up and starts heading to the car lifting Daehyun up and down making airplane noises I following with a smile. I get in the passenger seat as Nico buckles Daehyun into his car seat then we head to the park. Once we arrive I get out helping Daehyun out of his seat then tell Nico I'll text when I need him to pick us up then head into the park looking around before I spot a figure in a cap and mask sitting on a nearby bench I setting Daehyun down before leading him over I immediately being hit with Leo's scent. "Hey sorry if you had to wait." He assures me it's fine and I look down at Daehyun. "Alright bud go play but stay where I can see you and be careful." He smiles up at me and nods. "Okay daddy!" He then runs off and I sigh before taking a seat beside Leo it quiet between us before I decide to speak up. "I think there's something we need to discuss. I don't know if you've noticed but I feel a really strong connection and pull between us. I think we might be mates." I slowly look at him nervously only to feel my heart shatter with his next words.

Gonna be alright (a Leo Vixx x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now