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Sitting in the back of the room as Leo and the others practice I rub my swollen stomach while Daehyun sits beside me. Suddenly feeling a sharp pain in my back and stomach I grimace for a second but ignore it. Only a few minutes later the cramping comes back I letting out a little hiss of pain. Daehyun immediately looks at me a little worriedly. "Daddy are you okay?" I go to say I'm fine when suddenly a sharper pain hits me I biting down on my lip hard. Luckily the music comes to a stop and I take a breath once the pain subsides for a little. I then call out a little shakily. "Leo...." He turns to look at me and I give him a wide eyed look. "I think I'm in labor." His eyes widen and he immediately rushes over to me helping me off the couch. I then look at the other members asking softly. "Can you guys watch Daehyun please?" They immediately agree and assure me that they have it handled. I nod then let Leo lead me down to the car I buckling up. We then rush off to the hospital I calling my brother to tell him I'm in labor and once we reach the hospital Leo leads me inside where I'm taken back to a room and they start preparing me for my C section. Once I'm taken to the operating room Leo stands near my head it feeling like forever before we hear the sound of a baby crying. "It's a boy." I immediately smile happily looking at Leo emotionally. Soon I'm fixed up and wheeled back to a private room I waiting anxiously to see our baby boy. After what feels like forever a nurse brings in the baby and gently hands him to me I smiling happily as I hold him in my arms. Leo stands over us smiling softly and soon Daehyun is rushing into the room looking excited. "I wanna see the baby!" We gently hush him. "You have to be quiet sweetie." He nods and Leo gently picks him up so he can see the baby the other members of Vixx soon joining us. "What's his name?" I smile and say happily. "His names Jihun." We all hang around chatting and fawning over the new baby when the nurse comes back to shoo the others out of the room so I can rest. We wish Daehyun goodbye and  Leo gently takes the baby putting him in the little plastic tub that acts as a bed to hold him. He then comes back over to me and leans down pecking my lips. "Sleep jagi."  I carefully lay down and relax slowly falling asleep happy and content with my life.

Gonna be alright (a Leo Vixx x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now