✨️"Eye for an eye"✨️ Coiny X Leafy

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(Requested specifically to be a royalty au)

Requester: BaaBaaShortcake

Firey sat atop his throne, pondering. He had spent hours on end sitting, sitting and thinking, ever since his beloved dream island had fallen to the plant kingdom's army.

He had sworn revenge. Revenge on that stupid leaf. Revenge on the entire kingdom. That island was his greatest accomplishment, and thanks to the plant kingdom, not only had it been stolen, it had been sunk into the ocean. He would wage war if he had to. Firey didn't care how many objects had to die for him to win, he wanted Revenge, and that was all that mattered.

Although, by some miracle bestowed upon citizens of the flame kingdom, war was not an option.

He had thought out a plan to sneak into the plant kingdom and capture the Queen, he only had to say the word and his guards would go running to do his bidding.

Which is exactly what he did.

With a clap, firey was speaking, staring down at his loyal guards as they bowed down to his radiant throne of embers.
"Bring." His tone was cold, unloving, threatening. The guards nodded in fear, running off to fetch the flame King's greatest desire.



Leafy was sat in her room, her best Knight coiny by her side. They were both laughing about god knows what, enjoying their time as if there's no tommorrow.

Unlike most Kings and queens, leafy enjoyed her knight's company. He always found new ways to make her laugh, kept her out of harm's way and protected her with his life.

And she loved him for that.

Could she even call him her knight? No, he was more than that. He was a friend- no, best friend.

Coiny, meanwhile, also thought very highly of leafy.

He had never been one to like the royal family, and he would've become a criminal if nothing else.

But that was until he met leafy.

He had never seen her as queen, no, she was too kind for that. She was a friend, and he would protect her with his life.

Coiny was pulled out of his thoughts by pin rushing into the room, cutting off the laughs from both objects.


Coiny stood up as quickly as he could, giving leafy a small, apologetic look before rushing off with pin.

"What is it?" He asked, making sure to take in the halls decorated with beautiful paintings of the Ronald's. He had seen it thousands of times, but each time was still just as breathtaking.

"We're under attack!" Pin hurried up the pace as coiny's eyes went wide in panic.

"By who?"
"We don't know!"

The two brave knights finally reached the entrance, staring at the other guards.

"Where are they?" Pin looked around for any sight of the intruders.

"Gone, we fought them off!" Flower said proudly, her hands on her hips.

"SO WE CAME HERE FOR NOTHING?" coiny was outraged. Pin tried to grasp his shoulder to comfort him, but he had already run back off towards the Queen.

But there was one problem.

The window was broken.

And the Queen was gone.


"Well- who do you think could've done it?" Pin asked, leaning back against her chair as a panicked coiny paced across the room.

"I don't know! But- they did leave this note..." coiny stopped to pull out a note. It was obviously not meant for his eyes, as it was burnt and the handwriting was messy, almost as if the guards didn't know how to read. With great efforts, coiny began to read it out. "My dear king, we have captured the queen, meet us behind the fire cave for her return to you."

Pin put a finger to her chin in thought. "Seems like she was taken by the fire kingdom. Well- she's doomed. Might aswell make evil leafy the heir like we were planning.." she shuddered as she said that, just thinking about Evie's menacing stare sent shivers down her spine.

"No- no need. Ill venture into the fire kingdom to save her!" Coiny put his hands on his hips heroically as a very shocked pin stared at him.


"I don't care. I will go anyways." Coiny shook his head, grabbing an emergency bag from the knight's quarters' rack before turning to the door.

"WAIT-" Pin called out, making herself heard as she grabbed coiny's arm. "You're my best friend- dont die, okay?!" She was practically screaming, crying as she let go.

Coiny smiled sympathetically.

"I'll make sure of it. Partners in crime?"

"For life.. "

And with that, coiny was gone.

"You'll never get away with it." Leafy complained, rolling her eyes as guard infront of her tied her hands behind her back. "My guards will catch you, you won't get away with treating me like a criminal!"

The guard sighed, already growing tired of her talking as he started to drag her away. He wanted to kill her, but he was on strict orders not to.

"So uh- we should head out now i- HOW DID YOU GET UNTIED?" the guard looked in shock as leafy tossed the rope behind her.

"You think I didn't undergo training like this in order to become queen?" She smiled and laughed slightly, in an attempt to tease the guard.

"Ugh, whatever." The guard loomed over the Queen, causing a scared whimper to escape her lips. "I have other ways."


Coiny put his map down, approaching the bridge. The bridge that separated the two Kingdoms. Crossing of it was forbidden, but surely he had a good excuse? Either way, coiny didn't care as he stepped onto it, wincing as the old wooden planks creaked beneath his feet.

"It's for leafy." He smiled, allowing the reminder to hover in his mind. "It's for leafy."

He took another step, but then thought.

He was easily recognisable as a knight from the plant kingdom, he'd need a disguise. He sat down and rummaged in his bag, the wood creaking under his weight. Rummaging around in his bag blindly, he paused as his fingertips brushed against the soft fibres of something.

Pulling it out, it appeared to be a ragged, brown cloak. It was packed in case of emergency, probably not the most comfortable- seeing as it hadn't been washed in a long time and was fairly itchy- but it would hide his identity, which was what coiny needed.

Placing it over his head, he stood up once more and began to walk down to the village.

Nobody stopped him, so much for a, "heavily guarded'' kingdom. He sighed, shaking his head as he followed the path.

Looking to his side, the houses were dirty and broken. The residents sobbed as they rummaged in the trash for food. It was clear the kingdom wasn't well maintained.

No, the only Well maintained building was the Palace. Why was coiny suprised? He used to work for firey... Firey only cared about himself...

Coiny shook his head and sighed. He had no idea where the cave was, how did he expect to find leafy?


He'd have to try.

(I'm sorry I dont have the motivation to finish this 😭)

(I've never really been a fan of these type of aus, so I really struggled to write this- I might come back to this but the requester has waited long enough so I'm publishing it now)

(I'm sorryyyyyy 😔😭)

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