♠️"Knife edge."♠️

254 3 26

Requested by: Caydee370

TW: very descriptive self harm. Like really, really, really descriptive. If you are uncomfortable, you should probably skip this chapter.


Her hands shook as she picked up the knife placed on the table. She knew how painful it would be, absolutely fucking agonising. She hated the pain, but she deserved it. She could never redeem herself for what she did- this, as she saw it, was her punishment. Not that anyone knew she did this, they still thought she wasn't being punished.

She'd been doing this to herself every day since the day she was sent to yoyleland. Taking the knife, and shoving it into her skin. The pain was agonising, but it would never make up for what she did. She deserved this, all of this.

Leafy Stared at the blade, positioning it above her right arm. It's not like anyone would notice- they all thought the bandages she'd wear were just part of who she was now. Considering she'd been wearing them since bfdia, you'd never think anything was wrong.

The knife shook in her hands as she struck it down, letting out a yelp as a new, clean cut was formed on her arm. Blood poured out of it like a faucet as she did it again. And again. And again.

Taking the knife again, leafy took the knife and reopened all the old cuts. If they didn't get infected, it wasn't punishment enough. Placing the knife down, she closed her eyes.

Her body shook with every breath as she picked up the already well-used bandages and wrapped them around her arm, before repeating rhe process on her left.

Nobody would know, nobody would care.

Leafy would make sure of that.


Eggy and needle sat near the trees as they talked, coiny and pin were talking not that far away. Needle looked off to the side before she looked back at firey.
"Don't you think firey has changed recently?"

"Yeah, I have noticed that.." eggy furrowed her eyes. "Honestly, I dont really agree with some of the shit he's been saying recently, even with the whole dream island argument."

"Didn't he tell leafy to kill herself on Wednesday?"

"Yep, I was there." The egg shook her head. "Haven't seen her since."

"Eh, whatever. Wanna play tic-tac-toe?"



Leafy slowly opened the door, causing it to loudly creak. She shook her head, grabbing her knife. It was that time of day again, time for her daily punishment.

Slamming the door behind her, she unraveled the bandages wrapped around her wrists. They stung, but leafy didn't care; she deserved this. All of it.

The leaf's hands shook as she positioned the blade above her arm. She was about to make a cut, when the sudden footsteps of an object nearby made her flinch. The sudden movement made a much larger slice along her arm. Despite her best efforts, a scream escaped her mouth.

"Shit.." Leafy mumbled under her breath as she put the knife down, listening to whoever that was.

"Are you okay? I heard you scream."

"Uh.. Y-yes! Just uhm.. startled me."

"Nobody said anything when you screamed.."


"I'm coming in."

Leafy panicked, slamming her body into the door with full force. Her breathing quickened as she desperately tried to keep it closed.

"Leafy, open the door!"


The object on the other side suddenly rammed into it, knocking leafy out of the way. Pin stepped in, her eyes suddenly widening as she saw the knife, and Leafy.

"Oh my god, you should've told me!"

Leafy looked down at the floor, shame hung over her like a sign above a door.
"I know, I'm sorry."

"Just know I'm your friend," Pin knelt down beside her, grabbing some bandages and tending to her wrists. "I wouldn't judge you, you can tell me anything."

"I'm sorry."

She smiled, pulling Leafy into an embrace. "It's okay, just tell me next time, okay?"


This is so short but it took me so long 😭

I hope you like it!

Total words: 681

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