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Epic idea by me 😎
(Sequel to have cots summon a demon)

"My day has been absolute fucking shit." Evil leafy scowls. She had been summoned 7 times today, and it had taken her 5 hours to get back to the evil forest. "I'm so happy I'm home though, I just want to sleep." She stretched out onto her favourite rock, ignoring the blood of every have cots' member's blood except for leafy's. She was excited to sleep.

She was so tired that she fell asleep immediately.


Evil leafy woke up in a dark room that smelled like mouldy tuna. "Ew this smells like mouldy tuna." She said, leaning back. She noticed that she was tied to a chair, but in all honesty she didn't care.

"Evil leafy you bitch it's time to pay for your sins." Evil leafy Stared up at an ugly ass green stick man who just happend to be my objectsona.


"I'm going to beat you to death with a wet noodle."

"What the fuck."

The stickman was true to her word, as she walked over to evil leafy and started to beat her with a wet noodle.


nobody came to help evil leafy and she fucking died the end.


God damn it isn't the end?

Evil leafy still has 49 more deaths to go? Well shit. She is not going to be having a good time.

Evil leafy majestically appeared in the evil forest, alive and well. She rubbed the area where she'd been brutally beaten with a wet noodle and sobbed. "GOD damn who knew a wet noodle would hurt so much?"

Loser amazingly walks into the forest to confront evil leafy about killing the have cots, but got so scared he shit himself.


The smell was so bad that it burnt evil leafy's Lungs and she fucking died.

She majestically reappeared in the forest again. "Leafystan I thought you only ever tormented leafy, why are you tormenting me today."

I suddenly gasp in offense. "NO BREAKING THE FORTH WALL!"

"Answer my question."

"Okay but you'll have to die again :3"

"Uh okay."

"I am bored."

"REALLY? THATS YOUR REASO-" Evil leafy exploded spontaneously before she got the chance to finish her sentance. How sad.

47 deaths to go!

Evil leafy appeared in the forest again, alive and well. This line is getting old.

"Today is even more shit. I wanna kill contestants now. Maybe just not?"

Suddenly stapy falls from the sky and crushes her.

Evil leafy respawns like she's in minecraft.

"OW WHAT THE FUCK." She opens her mouth, flabbergasted. "GOD damn.. im suprised my legs aren't broken yet."

"Thanks for the oneshot idea."

"Do that to leafy not me you stupid fucking stickman."

"Fuck you."

A rock is suddenly thrown onto evil leafy's legs to show how angry I am at that Statement. Evil leafy's legs break so badly that she fucking dies. Im still considering making that a oneshot though..

45 more deaths to go!

In all honesty, evil leafy was tired. All jokes aside, dying 5 times in 2 hours probably isn't all that fun. I don't feel bad for her though, because a thunderstorm starts.

"God damn it im in the rain.. I have no shelter!" Evil leafy shivered. It was fucking freezing. Suddenly she was struck by lightning and fucking died.

Then she respawned and immediately died due to frost bite.

43 more deaths to go!

"These deaths are so stupid!" Evil leafy groaned. When would leafystan end this torment and go back to tormenting leafy instead of her? "What's next, grassy gets thrown at me and I get hit so hard that I fucking die?"

And that's exactly what happened.

"Oh my GOD." She stared at the ground in disbelief. "Oh almighty god cary, please spare me and save my soul from this torment. I know I've never been religious but i will convert to caryism if you spare me!"

Cary responded by throwing a car on evil leafy.

41 more deaths to go!

Evil leafy hadn't died for a few days now, how shocking. She got bored and decided to go to the evil gym. "Hm what to do?" She noticed a weightlifting bar and went to pick it up, but she was so strong it flung into the air and killed her.

"Shit, I spoke too soon."

About a day later, the red leaf found herself walking through the forest when a stick fell on her and gave her such bad brain damage that she forgot how to breathe and died.

39 more deaths to go!

Respawning like she's in minecraft for the 50th time, evil leafy stared at the ground and questioned her entire existence.

"Why does this shit only happen to ME?" She growled, as if she was turning into a werewolf.

Speaking of wolves, the moon suddenly falls out of the sky and crushes her. What a way to go.

Evil leafy rises from the dead, and starts Sobbing uncontrollably. For some reason, her tears attract a load of bugs. For some reason, evil leafy is deathly allergic to bugs so she explodes and dies.

37 more deaths to go!

"Ugh I HATE the British!" Evil leafy complained for whatever reason, completely ignoring the fact she just died.

Due to her DISGUSTINGLY AWFUL AND HORRIFIC insult, a chav showed up and smacked her with their air up bottle so hard that Evil leafy died immediately as punishment for bullying.

"My life makes no sense." She groaned before suddenly imploding.

35 more deaths to go!

Evil leafy decided that she wanted to get a Tesco meal deal, so she began walking across the ocean and into Britain, where she was immediately jumped by chavs.

Immediately after respawning, she ascended into space and died.

33 more deaths to go!

"I'm hungry," Evil leafy stated, glancing around as if expecting all food in the close proximity of her to disappear. Considering what she's been through, can you blame her? Instead, millions of bodies came pouring down from the sky.

"YAY! FOOD!!" She cheered, jumping in to have the first meal in 2763 years apart from eating the have cots. Her brain immediately shut down from all the bodies she was eating at once.

As soon as her body reappeared in the forest, a bunch of sheep came and ate her because she smelled like grass for some reason. As it turns out, a chav had sprayed her dead body with grass-smelling perfume, so now she smelled like grass.

31 more deaths to go!

While she was staring in shock at the air, a train ran her over.

"What the FUCK is happening." Was the only thing she said before the entire audience of a football game ran her over with a bus.

29 more deaths to go!

Evil leafy sat on the floor before deciding to walk off to a nearby dinosaur museum. While she was there, a stegosaurus decided to come back to life and stepped on her.

She then had McDonald's thrown at her so hard that she died.

27 more deaths to go!

Uhh, insert evil leafy dying 27 more times because I can't be bothered to think of more deaths ( I might update this every now and then, though)🔥

This was an amazing story, definitely

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