✨️"Stop."✨️ Flower x Ruby

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Requested by donutsdiary


There was only one way to describe it.

Flower was a bitch. To the point where everyone was scared of her. It didn't matter who they were, or how strong they were. If they had met her, they would be so scared of angering her that they'd never step a foot out of line.

Like the time she'd threatened bomby that she'd fill him with bananas and blow him up. In her words, "not only would that give you a painful death, but you'd waste so much of your favourite food!" Bomby was terrified and had nightmares for weeks, and all of this just because he refused to buy flower McDonald's. In the end, he did end up buying her it, though, so I guess that's one way to get people to buy stuff for you.

Or the time that she ripped book's pages out one by one and stabbed her, all because she was friends with match. It took 8 hours to find out she was dead and recover her, because flower hid the body so well and acted as if nothing had happend.

Or the time that she doused coiny in acid with a PH OF ZERO because she decided that he was breathing too loud. Worse than that, infront of the rest of woah bunch.

Or the time that she dumped all the Fries out of Fries' body and proceeded to turn him inside out before leaving him to sit there in pain for two hours before she came back and ripped him in half. It then took another six to recover him. All that just because he told her she looked dirty (which she very much was at the time.)

Or the time that she tied gelatin up and forced him to watch her eat every jelly she could find because he didn't watch her favourite TV show, and then proceeded to eat him starting from the legs so that he could watch her do it.

Or the time that she threw golfball into an active volcanoe and watched her burn just because she could.

Or the time that she kicked ice cube into Brazil just because she didn't think she looked good. Well- it was a long time ago, but still relevant!

Or the time that she used needle to repeatedly stab nickel in the head because, in her words, "she was mad that nickel was worth more than her." Not only had nickel died a painful death, but needle had to be put into therapy for an entire year because of how much the experience traumatised her.

Or the time that she poured molten gold into Pencil's mouth because she was in a bad mood.

Or the time she buried pin alive because, "she looked hideous without limbs and it made her want to throw up."

Or the time that she ripped spongy in half because, "He ruined her perfume by being near her." Turned out the smell was actually flower, and spongy had taken multiple baths that day.

Or the time she brutally beat tennisball to death infront of golfball because he was, "smarter than her."

Or the time that she burnt down yellow Face's warehouse because his products looked better than her.

Or the time that she managed to make leafy so concerned that she stopped throwing knives at everyone and told flower to get help. Flower responded to that by burning her- or attempting to, leafy ran away before she got the chance.


Evil leafy was willing to eat anyone, except flower. Last time she'd tried, flower had grabbed her, swung her around like a motherfucking cowboy lasso and flung her so far away it took her two months to get back.

In fact, the only one she'd never lashed out at was Ruby..

Flower sat in bed, she'd just finisher harassing snowball when her phone pinged. "Hm, another person to harass, perhaps?" She grinned widely. She loved harassment. It was one of her favourite passtimes.

She began to go over a mental list of who it could be. Firey- no, he was being punished.. Teardrop? No, she was in the tlc.. leafy? No- she's quite literally going insane and probably forgot how to use a cellphone.

Eventually, Flower stopped stalling and opened up the notification. It was Ruby. It was a fairly normal message, just trying to figure out if this is pencil.


That name brought out sheer rage from flower. Pencil was friends with match, and flower HATED match. So, therefore, she had to hate Pencil too.

Instead of harassment, however, Flower was intrigued, so she replied.

"No, you have the wrong number, this is flower."

"Oh, that's fine! Hello flower."


"What do you need?"

Flower blinked. Ruby was the one who had texted HER. What did she mean, "what do you need?" As much as flower wanted to scream at her, curiosity got the better of her, and she continued.

"Friends." Flower didn't really need friends. The idea of, 'friends,' made her sick.

"Oh, thats sad. I can be your friend?"

That text made Flower feel something... weird. It was warm, and bubbly.. She'd never felt like this before. What was it.. "happiness?" No. Flower didn't get, 'happy,'- but it felt so good. It made her long for more. It engulfed her like a warm, dancing flame.

"YES. The bestest of friends!"

"Of course!"

Flower felt herself beginning to blush. Was this what being liked was truly like? Hm. Ruby texted her again.

"Wanna meet up somewhere in yoyleland? The juice factory is fun, I've been there before."

"Sure, when do you wanna meet?"

"Would now be okay?"

"Mmmmm five minutes, let me get ready."

"Alright, cya there Flower, I can't WAIT!"

Flower shut off her phone in thought. Was this what being nice was like? People liked her when she was nice? Maybe... it was worth it to not be a bitch..

Okay, she would try it. Just for a day. If she enjoyed being a decent human being, she would try to stay that way. If not; she'd go back to being an absolute prick.

Just for a day..


SPOILER ALERT: She did like being nice.

I accidentally published this halfway through and i wanted to explode 🥰

Anyways hope you like it!

Total words: 1078

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