Ch 10

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It's been a week and Heeseung and I can finally go more than twenty minutes without touching each other. So far we've made it up to three hours before we absolutely need to touch. Today we're actually going to be apart Heeseung having a photoshoot and I'm gonna try and do some of my recording today. Maneuvering around each other as we get ready to leave we've gotten into a little routine with each other. Once we're ready we walk to the entertainment company holding hands slowly letting go when we reach Heeseung's floor. "Alright well good luck with your photoshoot and if you need me call." He gives me a slight reassuring smile. "Don't worry everything will be fine. It'll only be a two hour shoot and you'll be finished with recording in no time." I give a slight sheepish smile. "Alright now shoo so I can go." He chuckles and leaves the elevator before the doors close I heading up a floor. Once I enter the recording studio I see Harry already waiting for me. I smile and rush over giving him a quick hug he ruffling my hair affectionately. "How's things going with your soulmate? Have you kissed yet?" I immediately blush and give him a slight look. "No! We've just been holding hands." He raises an eyebrow at me. "Well you at least sleep in the same bed right? No cuddling?" I blush even more. "Not consciously. And I always wake up before him so I kinda hide the fact that we cuddle in our sleep." Harry gives me a slight look. "Come on Killian you need to make a move." I immediately shake my head no. "I don't want to make a move and he be uncomfortable. We just now barely got past the awkwardness of staying together." He frowns and goes to say something but I quickly change the subject. "Alright who's recording first?" He gives me a look saying this discussion isn't finished but answers anyways. "I thought you'd go first since you kinda have a time limit." I give a little nod and look up when an older man enters the room he greeting us and motions for one of us to get in the booth I immediately stepping forward and enter. I'm guided through my recordings and thankfully get done within an hour. I then exit the booth and let Harry take his turn I watching until he finishes as well. Once we're finished for the day we bow to the man then leave when Harry looks at me curiously. "So what are you going to be doing tonight?" I blink and shrug. "I don't know I guess stay in with Heeseung maybe play some video games or something why?" He hums. "I was thinking we could go out and maybe get a few drinks." I think about it for a moment. "I'll think about it and let you know." He nods and we part ways when the elevator reaches the floor Heeseung's at I practically skipping to the room where the photoshoot is. I quietly open the door and slip into the room only to pause when I see Heeseung and a very pretty girl talking to each other blinking when I see Heeseung smiling and let out a laugh. Feeling a little off and a slight uncomfortableness fill me I wait to make my way over when the girl leaves Heeseung's side. Putting a smile on my face I cautiously make my way over clearing my throat. "Hey how was your photoshoot?" He turns to me and gives a smile. "It went great. How was your recording?" I give a little shrug. "It took longer than I expected. Um hey do you mind if I go out with Harry tonight?" He blinks a little before answering kindly. "Of course not go ahead." I give him a small appreciative smile before asking softly. "So are you done for the day?" He nods. "Yeah I am. You ready to go?" I nod and he holds his hand out I automatically taking it and we walk out of the room together before putting on our masks and caps before we head to my apartment. Once we're inside I text Harry telling him I'll join him tonight and he assures me that he'll pick me up in an hour. I immediately head to my closet and grab some slightly nicer clothes I quickly changing into black skinny jeans with a tight black t shirt. Once I'm ready I look over at Heeseung. "Are you sure you're okay with me going out? I can stay home if you want." He gives me a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. Just make sure you take care of yourself and get home before three hours." I nod then hear a knock at the door I immediately perking up and I skip over to the door opening it to see Harry. I turn my head giving Heeseung a little smile. "Bye I'll be back later." Before he can say anything I drag Harry away closing the door behind me before forcefully tugging the older away from the apartment. "Whoa what's up with you?" I pause and look at him with a slight frown. "I saw this really pretty girl flirting with Heeseung. And he was smiling at her the whole time. I mean sure he smiles at me but I'd never be able to compete with this girl." Harry frowns looking a little protective. "You're probably WAY more attractive than this girl and I'm sure Heeseung was probably just being nice." I shrug looking at the ground and Harry grabs my hand leading me into a bar. "Let's get some drinks in you and maybe you'll feel a bit better." I silently take a seat beside him as he orders our drinks I immediately grabbing my drink and start in on it just getting started for the night.

One in a billion (a Lee Heeseung x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now