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(Heeseung's Pov)

The next morning I wake up feeling a little off. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I then notice and realize that Killian isn't in bed. Frowning slightly I get up and head for the living room then the kitchen not seeing him there either and the bathroom door is open so he's not getting a shower or anything. It's then that I notice a note on the kitchen counter I grabbing it and read it over my frown deepening.

Heeseung, I went to stay with Harry for awhile so you should go see and hang out with your members and everything.


Immediately thinking back to last night I sigh and run a hand through my hair before going to get dressed and grab my phone. I then head for the entertainment company and up to the practice rooms I entering the room we usually use. Giving a little knock I enter the room my members greeting me cheerfully I trying to give them a cheerful smile back. Jay immediately looks me over and raises an eyebrow. "Alright what's going on? You look like a kicked puppy." I sigh running a hand through my hair before blurting out anxiously. "Killian kissed me last night." They all look at each other before looking back at me Jake speaking up. "And did you kiss back?" I frown and shake my head no. "He was drunk and I didn't want to take advantage of him. But I think he took it wrong because I woke up and he wasn't there." They all give me sympathetic looks. "He probably doesn't think you like him. I mean all you've done is hold hands and sleep in the same bed right?" I give Sunghoon a little nod. "Yeah. I just didn't want to make him uncomfortable by randomly making a move though." Jungwon speaks up saying softly. "Well you need to talk to him and explain. I mean I know you're forced to be together but it's probably hurting Killian thinking you're not interested." I give a little nod and a determined look crosses my face. "I'll talk to him about it. Thanks guys." I leave the practice room and go to head for the elevator when my name is suddenly called I turning around and blink when I see the girl makeup artist named Areum. "Oh hi. Do you need something?" She gives me a smile and says simply. "Just thought I'd come and say hi." I slowly nod when she seems to look behind me I going to turn and see what she's looking at when suddenly she's pulling me down into a firm kiss I immediately tensing and gently push her away when I hear a broken gasp. Turning around I immediately panic when I see Killian he immediately turning and runs off I calling out for him desperately. "Killian!" He disappears around the corner and I look at Areum with a not too happy look. "Great thanks for that. You just completely made things worse between me and my soulmate." She shrugs not seeming bothered. "He doesn't seem to suit you and you could do better." I immediately give her an icy look. "I don't want or need better. I'm happy with him as my soulmate. Now I have to go find him." I quickly rush off following where Killian ran off to only to see he's already completely gone from the floor. Sighing I run a hand through my hair anxiously feeling upset and angry.

One in a billion (a Lee Heeseung x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now