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(Heeseung's Pov)

After looking around for Killian and coming up empty I lean against the locked apartment door when suddenly my phone rings. I look at it and quickly answer when I see Harry's name. "Is Killian okay?" The older immediately snaps at me angrily. "He's laying in bed crying thanks to you. What the hell were you thinking Heeseung?!" I flinch but immediately give a quick explanation. "She kissed me when she saw Killian coming I immediately pushed her away and I don't want anything to do with her." It's quiet on the other end before Harry says in a stern voice. "You better not be lying." I immediately say reassuringly. "I'm not hyung I promise." He lets out a little sigh. "Alright then we need to find a way to get Killian back to you. Maybe you can set up a little date in the park and I'll get him to go." I immediately agree to that plan. "Alright give me a couple hours to get things ready." He assures me he will and that he'll keep Killian busy we both hanging up. I then text my members asking them for help before I start to head to the park. After awhile of waiting I see the guys approaching and I rush over anxiously. I look at my members quickly explaining what's going on. "That makeup artist girl from the other day kissed me and Killian saw so now he's really upset. I'm going to do an in the park date but I need help." The others all agree to help I sighing in relief. "I'll cover dinner. Does he have a favorite food hyung?" I think for a second before nodding answering Jays question. "Chicken. But don't get anything with lemon because he's allergic." Jay nods and heads to some restaurants while I look at the others. "Alright well now we need decorations and I want to get him some flowers." Jungwon immediately gives me a reassuring smile. "We'll take care of decorating everything you go to the florists." I thank them before rushing out the door to the nearest flower shop. I then enter and head up to a young man a little younger than me he greeting me with a smile. "Hi I'm Colin how can I help you?" I shift a little before saying anxiously. "I want to get some flowers for my soulmate but I'm completely clueless." He smiles at me reassuringly. "That's perfectly okay. Do you know if he likes a certain type of flower?" I think back on some of our conversations before saying hesitantly. "I think he likes daffodils." Colin nods. "Alright is that the only flower you know he likes?" I give a nod and Colin hums before turning around and starts gathering different flowers before carefully wrapping them up then he hands them to me I admiring the pretty bouquet. "Thank you hopefully he likes it. How much do I owe you?" The younger immediately waves me off. "It's free. I can sense it's very important so don't worry about paying." I go to protest but Colin just smiles at me before saying a goodbye and leaves the room. Shaking my head I immediately head back to the park where I walk over and am immediately surprised by the beautiful setup of little fairy lights hanging around the trees. "Whoa guys you did amazing." They all look sheepish before Jay speaks up. "Hyung I got dinner." I quickly head over to where a blanket is laid out I thanking the members profusely before texting Harry telling him to send Killian while I wait there extremely anxious.

One in a billion (a Lee Heeseung x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now