Felix and Me

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I sipped my chocolate shake and looked around the place. The walls were worn down and the tile on the floor was polished but in need of replacement. My eyes turned to the employee that ran the store. He was a man about the same size as my dad and had a brown beard that looked well kept. I squinted to read the tag with his name. Felix. The guys name was Felix. He did not look anything like a Felix. Anyway I looked at his shoes that were like the boots at the sports store down the street. They were brown and had laces like on ice skates. I could not see his eyes because they were hidden behind his uniform hat.

Felix was mopping the floor and not paying any attention to me. The UDF soon had a cold breeze that engulfed the room with cold air. The employee did not seem to notice and continued his work. Dead silence in the place until outside you could hear a women screaming and the sound of a explosion. Felix looked up in awe as he dropped his mop and scurried out the door. I dropped my blankets on the table and ran to the window closest to me. Out side was a upside down car on fire and a women with like five bite marks was stuck underneath the car. Her screams literately were heard by every one in the dry state area. Every one in town was outside but something told me to stay inside.

The fire department was there and putting out the fire while people stood in awe as they watched the car go up in flames.

Like I said nothing ever happened in this place so no one knew what to do.

The car was really close to the forest me and my dad called Pine Woods. Through the flames that were high in the sky I could see movement but not like a squirrel or another tiny animal. I could see a person wait no like 50 people were coming through the woods!

No one near the car exept Felix who ran in the store knew that they were there.

Felix seemed to notice that I was still there. He glanced at me and said "So did you see what I saw?",.

I turned to see who he was talking to. I realized that he was speaking to me. I swallowed and said "Depends on what you saw, sir",.

He looked at me in the eyes.

"The group in the forests. Those weirdos", Felix responded. "They look almost something out of the walking dead",.
I shook my head in agreement.
Then the people from the woods were really close to the flaming car. Boy, was Felix right.
They looked like something out of a horror movie!
Outside me and Felix could see people pointing and gazing in a state of confusion.
I looked at Felix and he laughed at the sight of the dead looking people then as the people kept coming closer and closer Felix's expression changed to a more serious look.
I looked back out the window and saw one of the strange dead looking people biting a guy who had been very eager to have a explanation.
People soon realised that this was no joke but reality!
In panic every one including Felix and me were in a state of terror. The first thing that ran through my head was where was my dad and sister?
We're they safe? I began to find that there was no way to know at least at this point. In a matter of seconds the streets were clear like before and the only sound was from the abandoned fire truck that stood across from UDF and the sounds of infected citizens were surrounding the town of Owens Peek.
Felix's eyes were blood shot as through the glass of the UDF were over at least 60 to 80 dead people out side. They were banging up against the glass.
"Quick grab the mop and blockade the doors", Felix ordered. I grabbed the soaked mop and stick it in the hole of the Entrance/ exit doors.
"Okay now what?, Felix", I asked. I to was scared but did not want to show it.
"Well for starters, what is your name?", he asked.
"Madison, but you can call me Maddie", I replied smiling.
"Well great to meet you, my name is Felix", he replied sticking out his hand.
I shook it.
"Now grab some chairs with me and blockade the door to hold those infected idiots back", he said.
I ran over to the sitting area and pulled over every chair in the place to the doors.
After we were done Felix clapped his hands and said "That should hold them at least for tonight, come on, follow me, we have a tv in the back office",.
I followed Felix to a small room with nicer furniture and a bigger TV than the one at home.
He grabbed the remote of a coffee table in front of the couch. The TV flickered on and he scrolled through the channel till he came to the news channel.
This time it was different no news reporter talking just a red screen with a message that said "INFECTION HAS EFFECTED OUR REGULAR SCHEDULED PROGRAM. PLEASE STAY IN YOUR HOME UNTILL FURTHER NOTICE".
"What about my dad and sister?", I asked Felix.
"They will be okay. I bet they are doing fine", Felix said giving me a smile. He was a good man and I could see that he was trying his best to help me.
"I will go get some supplies from the store for dinner.", I said standing up.
"Okay, please don't go near the doors and don't let them in", Felix said in a stern voice.
"Okay, be right back",.
I walked to the shelfs full of candy and soda.
I got a basket and proceeded down the isles looking for at least some thing good.
I found some hot dogs and buns that Felix could probably cook over the hot dog machine.
I also found a pack of Monster that my dad likes to drink so I figured that maybe Felix would like it to.
I found some Coke for me.
I took the basket full of food to where Felix was.
"What you find?", Felix questioned.
"Nothing much but some hotdogs and food", I answered.
"We'll let me get those cooked, you must be starved", Felix said back.
He shuffled to the store cooker and soon we had a feast.
We had no idea what laid for us that night. At least that was when I met them.

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