Wade Cant Drive

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It seemed to take for ever to get to the next town. Its was like mile after mile that we walked but we made it to another town. This one was bigger than the last and it looked more like a city.
"Okay lets go find are selves some wheels", I said. We walked down to the town square where tiny shops were all closed even the bakery. The one store that was not closed was a grocery store.
"Lets split up", I said. "Fritz and Kate go check down that street",.
"Ava and Anna go down that street", I pointed to my left. "And me,Bob,and Wade will go look else where",.
"Once you find a car that can carry us all find us", I said. "Break",.
We all went into are little groups. Me, Bob, and Wade set out down a long street lined with some tall apartments and expensive looking houses.
"These houses look awesome", Bob said.
The town was pretty but the one thing that I hated was every once and a while you would see blood or bloody hand prints on the sides of the houses.
"Look the door is open", Bob said pointing to a little house. We made our way to the house and through the front door.
"Lets try to find a garage", I said. Wade went one direction and soon Bob left leaving me all alone. I opened the first door and to my surprise was a garage with a car inside. It was a big Ford truck not a pick up truck.
"Now to find those keys", I said to myself. I exited the garage and went to what looked like a kitchen.
"If I were a pair of keys where would I be?", I asked myself.
"I found some car keys", Wades voice echoed.
"I found the car", I called back.
Wade and Bob came to the kitchen and I lead them to the truck.
"Every body in, I'll drive", Wade said.
"But you stink at driving, Wade, you know that", Bob said.
"He cant be that bad", I said climbing in the back seat.
"Yea, Bob, It is fine", Wade said. Wade opened the garage and started to backing out of the drive way.
Then BOOM!
"Wade, did you just hit a garbage can on the side walk?", Bob asked.
"Yea, but it was not that bad, come on lets go pick the gang up", Wade said continuing to back out of the drive way.
When he made it out we were soon going down the road.
"Slow down, Wade, and go pick up Anna and Ava first", Bob said.
"Got it", Wade replied speeding towards his destination.
We pulled up to a house. Wade beeped his horn causing Anna and Ava to run to the car. The car door swung open and the two girls crawled inside.
"Finally air conditioning", Anna said.
"Now to go get Kate, Fritz, and Alexander", I said.
"Right", Wade said.
This time when Wade made the turn he almost skidded across the road.
"Wade, did you learn how to drive?", I asked.
"Yea", Wade said.
"Where did you learn how to drive?", I questioned.
"Well I play lots of racing games, how hard could real driving be",Wade responded. He stomped on the gas pedal and were were of like lightning.
"TURN THERE, WADE", Bob said.
"Okay, chill out ", Wade said.
We went down the road to where Kate, Fritz,and Alex where. Wade stopped at a apartment building and honked the horn.
Kate and Fritz emerged being followed by Alex. They were smiling ear to ear at the sight of the car.
I opened the door and they got in.
"Everyone ready", Wade asked.
"Ready as we will ever be", Alex said.
"You know what Wade let me drive", Bob said.
"No", Wade insisted.
"Just go slow", Bob said.
Wade went slow the speed up. He really was not that bad of a driver until he had to make a turn, the you had to hold on for dear life. We were off on the highway on our way to Georgia.

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