The box and letter

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After our hug I felt tired than ever before.
"Why don't we all get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us", I said.
"Yea, I am pretty tired", Mike said.
"Wade why don't you just sleep here on the sofa for the night and the rest of the group will met you tomorrow", I said.
"Okay, thanks for allowing me to stay here", Wade said.
"No problem. In times like these we must stick together", I said.
"Well I am going to go upstairs and go to bed", I said. "Good night y'all",.
"Good night, Maddie", they all said.
I made my way upstairs and to my bedroom.
It was at least 2am because the sun could be seen kinds close to the horizon.
I sat down on the chair by the window and began to think about my home town, then my parents. This topic caused me to drift in to slumber.

Morning came fast as the sun shown bright through the window close to where I was sleeping.
I woke up with a start. Boy, it had been a long night. I claimed out of the chair and could see that Anna and Ava were already awake because they were no where in the bedroom with me.
I went to the bedroom door and opened it. The hall way was filled with light causing me to have to squint in order to get to the stairs.
Just from the top step I could here people going through the kitchen.
I ran down the stairs.
In the kitchen stood the whole group stuffing food in to there bags.
"What are you guys doing?", I asked.
"Zombies were spotted a block away so we need to flee now or we will be dead meat", Anna said.
"Okay well let me grab my bag and let's roll out", I said.
"I already got it", Ava said.
"Thanks", I said.
She tossed the plastic bag to me.
"Help us try to find food we can take on the road", Fritz said.
With that I ran to the counter top and opened the cabinets. I was able to find two cans of chunky soup with meat bits and a loaf of bread raped in a napkin.
I looked around the kitchen and could see that one person was missing.Wade.
"Mike, come here for a second", I called to Mike.
"Yea,Maddie", Mike said.
"Can you go find Wade and wake him up?", I said.
"Sure thing", Mike said scurrying of to search for Wade.
Anna's face looked in a state of confusion.
"Who is Wade?", Anna asked.
"He snuck in last night and looked lonely so I kinda let him tag along with us", I explained.
"But you don't even really know him? So why let him in", Anna insisted.
"Because he looked like he needed our help", I said.
Anna rolled her eyes and continued diving through the can its for food.
Mike and Wade walked in to the kitchen.
Wade had a big smile on his face and so did Mike.
"Guys, I would like you to meet Wade", I said pointing to him.
Kate walked over to him and said.
"Hello, I am Kate nice to meet you", she said.
"Thank you and nice to meet you too", Wade said shaking Kate's hand.
Then Anna walked over and grabbed the collar of his jacket and said "I don't know where you came from or why you are with us but please stay away, far away, from me, got it!",.
"Got it", Wade said starting to shake.
I wondered why Anna was getting angry at him. He didn't do anything to her. Maybe she just don't trust him.
"I am Ava", Ava said.
"Nice to meet you, Ava", Wade said.
Then Alexander walked up.
"Hey, names Alexander but you can call me Alex and please don't lag behind or we will leave you", Alex said.
"What is wrong with you Alex?", Kate asked.
"It's only a joke, Wade, don't get so twisted up", Alex snickered.
"Anyway since you met everyone you should probably gather your belongings because we need to not die", I said smiling.
"Got it. I will also look for items that could be useful to us", Wade said.
"Good idea, Wade, I will help you", I said.
"Cool", Wade said smiling.
"You guys hurry because by those noises they are getting closer by the minute", Fritz said.
"Be back in a jiffy", I said.
Me and Wade made our way up stairs.
"You look in these bedrooms for any tools and I will search the other bedrooms", Wade said.
We split up and began to look for any useful items.
The first bed room I looked in to was the room I slept in and this time I turned on the lights.
The walls were covered with pictures for people that I guessed use to live here. On the sides of the bed was a cabinet table.
I opened the cabinet and found a necklace with a key at the end of it and a wooden box.
I stuck the key into the box and turned it.
It opened to reveal a hand gun. I pulled it out.
"Could be use full", I said.
At the bottom of the box was a small folded up paper.
I unfolded the paper and read it out loud:
Dear Wade,
though I am probably dead. and you have forgotten me. I want you to remember that I will be with you. I gave you a gun which belonged to me for quite some time now. Use the ammo wisely. I believe it you,Wade.
What was I reading and who was Mark?
It had Wades name on it so he should know. Maybe it was a different Wade.
I closed the box and locked it. I put the key around my neck.
I wonder what Wade had found.

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