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"Your Spirit story is so cute, what the hell." Kaz grumbled, tapping through social media on her phone. "Why can't you take photos of my like that Cal?"

"Because it works for Lil. If I took a blurry photo of you, you'd murder me." They stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

Theo- What are you doing over by MTU?

I half opened Theo's text, replying to his response to my story. I didn't even know he followed me if I'm completely honest. I had barely been online in a few days, but now I'm back on the ice I really needed to get back into posting. A few years ago, a coach told me if I wanted to get to the Olympics, outside of being phenomenal at what I did, I had to be known. The easiest way to do that was having a strong online presence whilst also winning the competitions. That way people would see me win, follow me and I'd be constantly on their feed.

I'd taken to it pretty easily really. I get a lot of crap from other skaters, hate comments on most posts but I try not to focus on them. People who message me shit privately just get blocked. It's not worth the hassle.

Are you stalking me Golding?

Hardly. Just wasting time waiting for your brother.
Stay safe over there. Call me if you need a ride.


I would most definitely not be calling Theo if I needed a ride home. I'll be calling a taxi. Like a sane person. Because as Callie said yesterday, I cannot get over Theo if I'm putting time into it. So, I'd left his messages last night. Hadn't text him this morning. In fact. That singular message of asking him if he was stalking me was the only one I'd sent him in days and I didn't have any intention of sending any more tonight. I was out, with my friends, in a room packed with guys that could easily rival his looks, were stupidly intelligent and, to make it even better, none of them would know about Owen. Win fucking win.

The girls didn't waste time this week. I'm guessing after the unexpected quick exit we ended up taking after Callie got sick, they weren't risking it again. Both Callie and Kaz were sat a few spaces away flirting and twirling their hair and fluttering eyelashes and playing dumb. Meanwhile, me and Lara were playing fuck, marry, kill with cartoon characters. Not overly interested in putting ourselves out there.

"Okay. SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward." Lara giggled, sipping from her bottle and pushing her finger back into the neck.

"Oh, good god. Um. Marry Squidward because the guy just wants a chill life without being interrupted and I bet he's a delight when he's not surrounded by idiots." She laughed. "Kiss Patrick because he's less toothy. I bet that'd hurt. So, I guess SpongeBob is dead."

"Brutal." Lara laughed harder. "I'd kill Patrick because I couldn't deal with the stupidity. Marry the sponge, kiss Squidward."

"You'd marry SpongeBob?"

"He's fun. Even the most boring of tasks would be entertaining and he's so positive."

"Oh my god. You had a childhood crush on SpongeBob SquarePants."

"I DID NOT." I cackled. She was never ever going to live this down.

"Sure not Mrs. SquarePants." She crumpled her face up at me which just made me laugh even harder.

"Sorry. We're not interrupting something are we?" Two guys stopped not less than a foot away from us and we both turned slightly, putting our backs to the bar. Not bad. I'd seen much hotter guys but I had also seen guys a hell of a lot less attractive than they were. "Are you girls new? We haven't seen you here before?"

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