Thirty Two

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There's 4 people in my family. Our parent's siblings always have plans elsewhere and honestly, we're not that close. But the Connelly's? Grace is the youngest of 4. FOUR. There used to be her, Carter, Peter and Oliver and her parents and our group, Christmas was 10 people. Now it's just mayhem.

Peter and Oliver are both married with kids, then there's Grace's cousin and her daughter who drops by and Grace's Grandma. 20 people. In 6 years, it has gotten chaotic. But it's so much fun. The kids running around getting under everyone's feet. Endless games and catching up and by the time dinner is over and drinks are starting their house is filled with so much laughter and joy and pure happiness.

This is what made me love Christmas more than the whole toy thing as a kid. Being around friends and family and just feeling like outside the house didn't exist. These 4 walls were my world for the day and nothing else mattered. It was beautiful. The lights and the food and just everything. My favourite time of year, without a single doubt.

"NO! LILAH!" Peter's oldest son came running over, scowl covering his face. "Tell him."

"Tell who Zach?"

"Uncle Carter."

"What's he doing?" I pulled Zach onto my knee, keeping my eyes on the table as I helped Zara colour in one of her new books. Because god forgive I took my attention off her right now, she might scream this place down and Oliver had just put the newest addition to sleep after an hour of crying.

"He's playing with the toy wrong. You've got to- Lilah Listennn-"

"I'm busy with Zara right now Zach. Just explain it to me sweet."

"Ugh." He pouted. "This house is too big." I furrowed my brow. "No one knows I'm here." I lifted my head.

"I know you're here. I wouldn't be talking to you if I didn't would I?"


"Would I have pulled you onto my knee if I didn't know you were here?"


"Right. So, are you gonna stop being silly and tell me or do you need to go find somewhere quiet to take 5? You're not invisible Zachary. You just came over whilst I'm helping your sister like Carter was helping you."

"He's not playing right."

"Can't fix it unless you tell me what he's doing wrong Zach."

"He keeps saying I lose." I looked up at Carter, leaning against the door frame with a smug smile on his face.

"We're playing Jenga Zach. You pull a block out and it makes the pile fall then you lose. That's the game."


"Sorry kiddo. That's the game. If you don't like losing gotta find one your good at."

"I play it all the time with Zara and never ever ever loose."

"Then I don't think you're playing right." Zach slipped off my knee, marching up to Carter with the most ferocious stomps. Carter just tipped his head down to stare at the grumpy six year old.

"You're a poopoo head." I snickered, causing both boys to look at me.

"You tell him Zachary." Carter smirked at me, raising an eyebrow before looking back at his nephew.

"That so kid?"

"Yeah. I'll beat you up."

"Little aggressive for a baby aren't yah?"

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