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I'd been right. That sex with Theo would simultaneously be fucking amazing and devastating. Because as pretty as the words he'd said were, I didn't believe that he'd follow through on it. I don't think he's going to stop going out on weekends and picking up the first girl he finds to take her home. Not for a second.

I wouldn't even put it past him to never speak to me again now. After he's finished walking me home. He'll get back in his car and drive away to wherever and I'll only see him with Owen. He'll stop texting and calling and replying to my story and he'll go down in my history books as my first everything which I'm sure was his intention.

It didn't matter right now though. Because he helped me out of his car and held my hand tight as he walked me to my apartment. Held me close in the lift. Pressing hard kisses against my cheeks and forehead, complimenting me like that was the only way he could communicate. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel special right now. Like the worries in the back of my mind didn't exist and I had drawn a curtain on them, shielding them from the next few moments of bliss.

I was achy. A little sore but not painfully so. Less than I was expecting. It was kind of nice.

Theo spun me around slightly as we reached the door, pushing me back until my back hit the wall gently. He hadn't stopped touching me from the moment he came back from tidying up the ice. I'd been instructed to sit on the sidelines and who was I to argue? His arm wrapped around my waist, a perfect smile set on his perfect face and I pulled his hood up, burying my hands into the lengths of honey brown.

"Let me take you for breakfast in the morning."

"I've got class."

"What time?"

"10. But I normally go to the gym first thing."

"So, 7?" I narrowed my eyes. "Let me rephrase it Love, I'm taking you for breakfast in the morning. Either before or after you've been to the gym. You decide. But if you don't give me a time, I'll be here at 5am and I'll wait." I looked up at my hands in his hair, my heart warming just a few degrees. "How long do you need to be at the gym for?"

"I just need to do 2 hours minimum tomorrow. I can do it after class though. Rather than splitting them."

"And have your morning free until 10?" I nodded, watching his smile grow before leaning down and kissing me again. It was starting to feel so normal to have his skin on mine and I'm not sure if that should be concerning or not. "I'll bring food and we can do whatever."

"Sleep. If you're coming at 7, I'm sleeping."

"You can sleep on me anytime Lilah. Call me at 2am and I'll run here barefoot."

"You'd cut your feet."

"I'd let you clean me up again, it's fine." Theo pushed his head into my neck, pulling me in tight. "I need to go. I told Owen I wasn't going to be too long. I was going to bring you home and that's it."

"Wait you didn't-"

"Come to do that? No. I thought you sounded off so just wanted make sure you were okay. That's it." He pulled back, placing my feet back on the floor. "Here." Theo pulled his jumper over his head, quickly tugging it over my head until it swamped me. I know I'm a hell of a lot smaller than him but this really drove that home. It swallowed me. I just stood there, covered in his hoodie, watching him grin from ear to ear in his white tee shirt with a silver necklace I hadn't even realized until now he was wearing. A small, flat disk with 2 hockey sticks and the number 13 under it.

Theo let out a breath of laughter before pulling the hood up on my head, sitting it a little further back so I could see and it wasn't covering my face.

"Yeah. I knew you'd look cute as fuck in my clothes." His hands grabbed my face, placing another kiss on my lips before pulling me forward and placing me by the door. "I'll be here at 7."

"7." I nodded, watching him turn and leave, waiting until he was completely gone to actually breathe, turn and get into the apartment.

"Where have you bee-" Callie stopped, lifting her head from where the 3 girls were sat cross legged on the floor, uno cards in hand. I walked over slowly, sinking down to the floor beside them. Not saying a word as I grabbed some cards. "You alright there Lil?"


"You're wearing a guys hoodie." Lara pointed out as if I didn't know. As if I was never giving it back. No. Mine now. He gave me it. He's not getting it back.

"Mhm." I nodded again. "Who's go is it?" I looked up at the girls with a smile.

"Where have you been?" Kaz giggled.

"Ice rink."


"Hockey ice rink."

"Oh, come on Lilah. Details."

"I may have had sex." Suddenly the cards were being dropped into the middle of the space.


"WITH WHO?" I laughed, tugging on the sleeves of the hoodie.

"I was just sat, thinking about Ben and Bailey and everything else and then my phone buzzed and it was Theo again and he ended up calling. I hung up and he ended up showing up at the rink and we kind of got into an argument. He said a whole bunch of really nice stuff and it all just kind of... escalated. Carried me off the ice and yeah we, you know, on the floor of the changing room with Owen's jersey literally- I could have reached up and pulled it off the hanger."

"In the changing room?" I nodded.

"On the floor. He has a tattoo. A griffin, on his ribs."

"Did he finish the job?" Kaz smirked.

"Twice." I bit down on my lip. "He's coming over at 7 with breakfast. Wanted to stay but he'd told Owen he was just going out for a bit and it's been like 2 hours."

"Oh great." Callie rolled her eyes. "Always wanted to listen to people having sex."

"Um. I don't exactly enjoy hearing you moaning Cody's name but I don't say a thing. Invest in some earphones." The girls laughed. 

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