Forty Two

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The second Lilah hits the ice, the whole room goes silent in a way I wasn't expecting it to. 2 months I'd been planning this and now I was here and she was about to do the biggest skate of her entire life, I could feel the nerves kicking in. She could have spent the past 2 months with someone else. She could have fallen in love with someone who wasn't me. There could be another man in this crowd who didn't know how lucky he was to have Lilah.

Even worse than that, she could still be single. She could still be single and still not want me back. She could have spent 2 months getting over me all over again, deciding I wasn't what she wanted with the rest of her life.

I watched from my seat in the crowd as she whizzed around the ice, hitting moves I'd learned the names of now. Just to show her that I gave a damn. So, I could talk to her about her work and understand what she was saying and know if she was doing well and I could tell her that or if I needed to support her a little more.

She was phenomenal. Unbelievably graceful as she made every single move look easy. Like she hadn't had countless injuries. Like I hadn't nursed her through one of them when she was so worried she wouldn't get here. But it's been 3 years and my girl is hitting every mark I know she has to hit. I look up at the 4 judges from across the world. Faces unmoved, pens scratching on paper as they watched her closely. Looking for the slightest thing to mark her down on. But Lil's head is there with her on the ice. She's focused and clear headed and she knows this program like the back of her hand. She's got this. I've got every single faith in her that she's got the in the bag.

I slip out of my seat, quietly moving down the stairs to the front set of seats, tapping the broad shoulders of the next part in my plan. Owen turned his head to me, an instant glare of disapproval. We hadn't spoken about this. I'd told Lil I'd keep out of the way so she could focus and that's what I've done.

"I need your pass."


"Your VIP pass. I need it."

"Not a chance. You're leaving her alone. You shouldn't even be here." Owen looked me up and down slowly.

"Look-" I bent down at his side, not wanting to cause a scene or a distraction for anyone else. Owen turned his head back to the ice, watching his sister but I could tell he was still listening and that's all I needed. "She's your sister man. I get it. This is your guys' moment with her. But as much as she's your sister, that's my girl. She's my Skylar. Like it or not, I don't really care. But she's going to come off that ice freaking out and ruining this for herself and the only thing I can do to stop it is by being there. I have loved your sister Owen since before I knew she was your sister and you know I do. Because you remember the things I said to you before I knew her as Lilah instead of Lil from the club. I shouldn't' have lied to you about it, I'll take that but right now, Lil needs me with and I can only be there with that damn pass." He rolled his eyes, tugging at the lanyard until it snapped apart and pushing it into my hand.

"One wrong move Golding-"

"And you'll use my balls as hockey pucks. I know. Don't worry." I turned, running back up the stairs as the music finished and the arena burst into applause. I forced my legs to move as fast as they could to get down to ice level, down to the hall where I knew she'd be coming off. Lilah would be criticizing every single move and I had to be the one to tell her she did great and show her I was right her. The security guard scanned the pass and stared at me.


"Owen Price. Lilah Price's sister. Look man, I know you're doing your job but she needs me right now."

"Little protective for a brother aren't you?"

"You don't know the half of it."

"Isn't she ginger?"

"Yeah. She's adopted. Can I go?" He raised his eyebrows, handing me the pass and I bolted down the final corridor, stopping in the middle of it when I saw her. Head pressed to the wall still completely alone. "So, it's bronze, silver and then gold right?" Her head snapped up and I walked down to her slowly, pulling the pass over my head. "But what's above gold? There's gotta be another level right? What if someone did better than the previous gold winner?"

"What-" She looked around quickly. "How'd you get down here? Only family are allowed."

"I borrowed something." I shrugged, lifting my lips at her. "Your brother hates me by the way. In case we weren't sure. I'm sure he'll come around though. He didn't try to beat the crap out of me this time." Lil stared at me. Her fingers twisting the skirt of her dress. "I'm so proud of you."

"You were here?"

"Of course, I was."

"You didn't tell me you were coming."

"You said you needed a clear head. I wanted to come down before. I've been here since yesterday morning. I wanted to take you out. But I also didn't want you to be thinking about anything else out there. That was the deal right?" Lil nodded once. "I'm here now though. Well. Technically speaking Owen is here. If the guards ask." She laughed and I wrapped an arm around her waist. "You did so well Lil. I'm so proud of you."

"You said that."

"I know. But I don't think you're getting it. I'm so proud of you I'm going to burst. There's going to be gross stuff everywhere and they're gonna think your brother's dead because of the badge. It's going to be a whole scandal. The guy who stole a security badge, got through security and then imploded on the gold medallist."

"You're ambitious."

"No Love. I saw you out there. If you don't get a gold for that, I'm rioting."

"What? You're gonna implode on the judges?"

"You know what? That's the perfect plan."


"Yes Superstar?"

"I missed you." My heart pounded in my chest and I couldn't fight the grin across my face.

"Good. I missed you too. So much-"

"If you say you're going to implode-" I chuckled, pressing a stupidly smiley kiss to her lips. "God you smell so good."

"What do I smell like?"


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