Chapter 4

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Zhou Zishu watches the moonlight shine so bright, as he soaks his legs at the pond living the small fishes bite his foot. Reminiscing the day he and Wen Kexing met for the first time, how he protected him from the attackers all the way, how the man keeps on blabbering nonsense that made him upset but he felt warm. They went through thick and thin.

"What are you doing here? It's already midnight." Even if he didn't turn around he knows whose voice it is. He sighed

"I can't sleep.."

"Talk with him. Maybe he has a reason to hide it from you.. don't think of running away just because he is a Prince. I know how you want to live a normal life with your future spouse." Master Qin took off his boots and soaked his feet. He looked at his disciple looking troubled. He tapped his shoulder.

"Shifu.. is my decision right? He hides his identity, I'm afraid Shifu what if he's playing me, we are different... hes a Prince and I'm just a nobody, I'm no match to him..." Master Qin looked at him then smiled.

"Do you love him?"

"I..." choked his own words, he looked down at his feet. He felt light tap on his right shoulder, he looked up to see his master smiling at him.

"Follow your heart. What is inside telling you. I'll bet you already have the answers to that. Now, both of you should sort it out, running is not a solution. Hear him first what is his reason to hide it from you." Master Qin stood up and went straight to the library , Zhou Zishu looking at the retreating back of his master. He suddenly stood up, found himself half walking and half running towards the guest room.

Zhou Zishu arrived at the door, exhaled and pushed the door but someone already pushed it. Both of them are staring at each other, the other was anxious seeing Zhou Zishu in front of him, he thought that Zhou Zishu would leave him, knowing the truth that he is a Prince that Zhou Zishu will not accept. Thinking that scenarios made his heart ache, if ever Zhou Zishu asked him to leave his position he would obey him without second thought. Knowing that Zhou Zishu wanted to live peacefully. That is why he can't tell him about his real identity, he wanted to live in peace.

He already decided to step down if that's what Zhou Zishu wanted to accept him, Seeing the man in front of him, staring back with a serious face. Suddenly he saw Zhou Zishu formed into a smile that made his heart beat fast, he was stunned thinking that his having an illusion.

"Lao Wen are you going to stare at me all night? You're not going to give me a hug? " Zhou Zishu teases him, he blinks then quickly hugs the man in front of him as he mutters 'sorry' nonstop at his lover's ear. Zhou Zishu smiled and tapped his back soothing his lover .

"I'm sorry ,i didn't mean to walk away. I'm just confused. I'm sorry." He shook his head and pulled from the hug.

"No A-Xu , i was wrong. I should tell you back then but... thinking that if you knew who I am. I'm afraid you will not accept me. It's better for you not to know about my identity."

"Maybe I would do that Lao Wen, but why me? Were different..our social status is different. There are so many out there that... can match your status. I'm afraid Lao Wen."

"A-Xu, i don't need a high status to be my partner in life. All I need is that someone who will love me of who I am, not love me because of my social status. I know we are different I love you A-Xu, it should be you A-Xu and only you alone. Your special A-Xu that I cannot find at those high in status, because you love me of  who I am. It's been you A-Xu....the first time I saw you back there. I know it will be you. Don't doubt my feelings towards you, I know you're afraid...thinking that I'm playing with you, I'm serious towards you A-Xu, please don't doubt me. I will do anything to show you how I want you. Sorry if I hid it from you, i didn't mean it, please don't leave me. I know you want to live in peace. If you want me to step down my position I will obey you. I will put down my crown just for you. Please give me a chance to prove A-Xu."

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