Chapter 14

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I'm back sorry for the long updates.



Zhou Zishu smiled at him, Wen Kexing slowly walked towards his husband in utter disbelief. Facing each other, Wen Kexing stared at him afraid he would vanish from his sight, or maybe because of guilt he hallucinate seeing his A-Xu, but the A-Xu in front of him smiling lovingly at him, the look he always gave to Wen Kexing before. Noticing his husband staring at him having an inner turmoil whether he is real or not and afraid that he would vanish. He stepped forward smiling softly and he called him once again to assure him he is real.

"A-Xing... My A-Xing.."

This time Wen Kexing knew he was standing in front of him not his hallucination, broke down into tears non-stop hearing his beloved husband voice he longed to so much, calling his name lovingly. He kneels down at him and holds his husband's hands, this time he  was sure it was not his hallucination feeling the familiar warmth.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry A-Xu.." weeping out, scared and guilty he felt for not protecting the man he loved.  Staring directly at his eyes tears falling nonstop on his handsome face. Zhou Zishu smiled at him and held him up to stand up as he wiped those tears.

"My A-Xing, I know.. I'm not angry." Wen Kexing was stunned and sobbing more, not expecting this forgiveness from his man despite the cruelty he did to him. Zhou Zishu hugged him, and the latter hugged him back tightly like he don't want to lost him again. After a moment of crying subsided down, Wen Kexing blurted out.

"A-Xu, what did I do to deserve someone like you?" He said softly staring at his husband, tears fall down. Snuggling his face at A-Xu's neck sniffling and kissing softly, sobbing more as he can't believe his husband is alive. Zhou Zishu hummed, carressing the back of Wen Kexing and drawing a small circle on his back.

"Because, I already know what you were doing. Sorry for the misunderstanding but I will truthfully say, I was...hurt and sad I will set you free if you want, your happiness is what matters to me. I'm already content seeing you happy even without me-" Wen Kexing pulled out from the hugged, cupping Zishu's face shaking his head.

"No, you're wrong there is no one A-Xu...." He narrated everything from the start, how he planned to make himself a bait and about the cold shoulder it was all act just to protect him in order their enemies won't lay a fingers towards him, it will be easier to plan leaving out Zishu, because A-Xu's eyes won't lie. The enemy won't plan something on him, so that to pursue their plan he must use another way to expose the enemy in one swing.

Zhou Zishu nodding in understanding but later he pouted, sulking.

"But still I'm hurt..." he pouted, indeed it is true he was hurt. He felt a sudden dizziness, shaking it off as he clutch Wen Kexing's sleeves tightly. His heart started tightened, gasping for air.

"Oh, A-Xu my love , I'm so sorry. I really was. What can I do to mend it? I know my sorry won't be enough-- A-Xu?" Noticing his husband pale face, made his heart skip a beat. Bring back the memories of his husband lying lifeless on his arm that day.

"No no no, A-Xu!? What's wrong? Hey answer me A-Xu!!!." Shouting and shaking his husband frantically, body trembling when he suddenly fell forward; forehead landed on Wen Kexing's chest, the other gladly caught him before he fell down at the ground. He cried again pleading his husband to open his eyes, Zishu's face is pale like a paper.


Wu Xi and Beiyuan arrived running towards them, hearing Wen Kexing wailing crying calling A- Xu's nonstop.


Wen Kexing pacing back and forth looking at his husband laying on his bed chamber. Luckily the war ended and captured the enemy, the real Prince Jin arrived thanks to Wu Xi and Beiyuan, uncovering the truth.

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