Chapter 8

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Zhou Zishu arrived at the valley late in the evening. Feeling sorry, how he acted towards his husband. To make up for his behavior. He took 2 bottles of plum wine, the wine he always bought for him. Gliding towards his husband's pavilion carrying a jug of wine in his right hands. Smiling ear to ear, stop hearing his husband's voice. He smiled widely, but abruptly hearing another man's voice. They are talking sweetly. He was confused and ready to open the door, when he heard Wen Kexing say.

"I don't care whether he dies. I just married him because of his beauty, but I regret it. I don't love him anymore." Widened his eyes of what his husband said, trembling his hands holding the wine.

"Then, you should throw him outside and marry me instead, we will be happy together."

"Okay. As you wish.." The wine slipped out in his hands. Tears falling nonstop, heart beating fast.

"Who's there?" It was Wen Kexing's voice. Firm. He opened the door. The jug slipped down in his hands as he was shocked. His body is trembling profusely.

"It's me.." seeing Wen Kexing in another man's arm. The two men quickly looked at the door, looking stunned. Zhou Zishu stepped back shaking his head then ran.

Wen Kexing pushed the guy when he finally came back to his senses and ran outside.


Zhou Zishu ran away. Tears falling down running as far as he could. He lipped up to fly using his qinqqong to avoid noises. His mind is chaotic.

That is why he never came back. He already has someone. I'm such a fool.

When he deemed that Wen Kexing could not follow him anymore he went down and looked around at the unfamiliar place. Sat down at the rocks and cried.

The valley is in chaos looking Zhou Zishu everywhere as per order of the King.

"Master Zhou!! " The servants and guards call his name.

Wen Kexing anxiously looks for Zhou Zishu, he went to his bedroom, to his training ground and to the trees he always rests, but hes nowhere to be found. You're such an idiot Wen Kexing.

Zhou Zishu was tired from crying. His looked somewhat dazed. Remembering the scene he witnessed. Smiling bitterly.

"Now I know why. Why Wen Kexing??" He mumbled to himself. He stood up and walked away from the area, he didn't care where he went. The night was chilly, he didn't wear thick clothes. Looking for a shelter to stay for the night as he hugged himself. He was walking for so long and his feet started to feel pain, but still he didn't find any houses or in around the area to stay for the night. Losing hope to find the shelter, sit down under the tree and rest his back. He was about to fall asleep when he heard someone speak.

"Hey young master? Don't sleep there, you will get sick." He slowly opened his eyes to see a beautiful man staring down at him wearing green robes ,hair tied up with the white bond with side bangs, and a pale complexion. He smiled genuinely at him.

"Mister, I'm just resting here for a bit then i will continue my journey later and Thank you for your concern."

"Eii, where did you come from? Looking from the fabric of your robes, perhaps you are from royal families?" He laughed mockingly at himself.

"I'm just a nobody wanderers and as for my robes I get it from one of the best dress makers, by the way why are you in this area? If it's not wrong to ask." He politely asked. The man nodded.

"It's okay, I live everywhere."


"I mean I'm a countryside doctor who travels dragging around a lotus tower, so I lived everywhere I went, helping people in need...How about you rest at my lotus tower for awhile, it's chilly tonight."

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