Chapter 16

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Were almost at the ending.


Zhou Zishu's recovery went well; he woke up after 3 days of coma. Wen Kexing never left his side, tending his husband's in utter care. Feeding him medicine personally brewed by Wu Xi, and Li Lian Hua left before he deemed that his patients were good, checking from time to time to ensure that the poison subsides, then left. At first, Zhou Zishu wanted him to stay, but Li Lian Hua is a person who wanted to travel along with his lotus tower and promised he would visit him if he ever passed by. Zhou Zishu gladly let him go, his husband only listening to their banter.

Every day, Wen Kexing passed his qi on Zhou Zishu while sleeping to bring back his full strength. After three days, Wu Xi and Beiyuan left to go back to Nanjiang, as they had unfinished business to do there.

"Ah, Xu!" Wen Kexing quickly took off his cloak to cover his husband and sigh. Zhou Zishu looked at him side-eyed and pouted.

"Ah, Xing, it's too hot."

"No, you're not recovering well. Your body is sensitive!" His husband snapped. Zhou Zishu looked down as he knew that his husband never got a proper rest, closing his eyes for a minute, then woke up frantically checking his husband's pulse and breath to assure him that he was here with him, alive and healthy. Blaming himself for the cause of his husband's illness.

When Wen Kexing entered their room to find out his husband was gone, he was about to go mad again, but Chengling appeared, saying his shifu was outside as he wanted fresh air and sunbathing. Heaved as he sighed, then glared at the boy, who quickly turned around. He ran outside to find his husband standing in front of the pond.

"Sorry, ah,xu." He realized his voice, but Zhou Zishu shook his head. He took his husband's hand and squeezed it.

"Ah,xing.. i know you're scared but here i am making you worry everyday. I'm sorry. Please don't blame yourself, it's my choice. You didn't do anything so please stop blaming yourself. Hmm. I'm here now, recovered because of you. You never left my side, you tended me. Let us go through the painful memories and start a new one, you and me; Ah, Xiang and Ah, Ning as well as Chengling. Let's go back to the time when we are still young and in love with each other, the time when you keep chasing me. Through thick and thin we overcame and I missed how you flirt me back then. " Zhou Zishu chuckled to remember how Wen Kexing flirted with him before and how Wen Kexing kept chasing him, despite the relentless rejection he received from him and to Wen Kexing who never tired of showing him love. Wen Kexing smiled, tears rolling down his face as he heard his husband's assurance. Right now, he was sure his husband was here with him. He nodded as he hugged his husband.

"Thank you, Ah, Xu. You never tired of loving me despite what I did. You accepted me wholeheartedly and stayed with me. Thank you for choosing me over and over again, and thank you for not giving up on me. Let's start making new memories."

As the day passed, Zhou Zishu's health slowly recovered. Right now he's sparring at his husband, who's seen didn't use too much force, and it makes Zhou Zishu frown.

"Lao Wen! Don't hold back; I'm not fragile anymore. Fight seriously." He reprimanded while twirling his body as he made a slash towards his husband, who was quickly blocked by twirling his fan. Wen Kexing glared at him and was about to lecture his aggressive husband, but Zhou Zishu was already throwing his palm directly at his face. Wen Kexing again bent down and twirled his body sideways to avoid Zhou Zishu's feet sliding downward. Zhou Zishu smiled in satisfaction, landing on the ground in a smug look as he almost lost his balance at the sudden twirl sideways.

Wen Kexing again glared at him, then threw his fan out while Zhou Zishu was distracted as the man was laughing his heart out, bullying his pitiful husband.

And of course, Zhou Zishu was taken aback but docked, then jumped on the trees, pouting and looking down.

"Ya! Unfair!" Wen Kexing's lips curled up in amusement.

"I'm just fulfilling what my husband wants." He smirked, then laughed. Zhou Zishu snorted. He noticed something from afar and smiled mischievously as he jumped downwards and smiled again, approaching his husband slowly like a fox. Wen Kexing blinked his eyes, and he could feel something was not right.

"Lao Wen."

"Mm?" He slowly backwards as Zhou Zishu steps forward, smiling ear to ear.

"Lao Wen.."

"What is Ah,Xu?" Still, Zhou Zishu is smiling like a predator, and Wen Kexing swears his husband looks more handsome. Still backing backwards.

"Lao Wen..." *SPLASH! *

"pft~ HAHAHAHA. Lao Wen, you want to swim? You should've told me. Pft~ " Zhou Zishu laughed, clutching his stomach. Wen Kexing glared at his husband.

A few minutes ago, Zhou Zishu looked back, passed Wen Kexing, and saw a pond. He giggled inwardly as he jumped down. Wen Kexing keeps making backwards as Zhou Zishu keeps making forward and didn't realize that he was on the edge of the pond and suddenly fell backwards, resulting in Zhou Zishu's laughing out loud at the state of his husband and even laughing more seeing Wen Kexing glaring at him with the lotus flower on his head. He looks like a wet puppy.

"Ah, Xu." Zhou Zishu stopped laughing at hearing his husband's voice. He quickly stood up and moved closer to the pond.

"Sorry, Lao Wen, come here; I will help you." He reached his hands. Wen Kexing smirked as he grabbed his husband, making him fall on the pond as well. This time, it's Wen Kexing who laughs.

"Serves you, for making fun of your dear husband." Zhou Zishu chuckled, shaking his head. The fight went on as Zhou Zishu splashed water towards Wen Kexing's face and the two children played on the pond. Their servants, looking at them in admiration, can't help but laugh along with them.


The evening comes after playing on the water. Once he saw his husband taking off his outer robes and leaving with his single inner robes, he pulled up the blanket and laid beside him, who was sleeping soundly. Hugging his husband closer to him and Zhou Zishu snuggling closer to his warm body, he chuckled. Staring fondly at the beauty under him, he smiled, kissing his forehead, and Zhou Zishu groaned.

"Ah,Xing," he sleepily called.

"Go to sleep. Ah, Xu, it's not morning yet."

"Mm, where did you go?"

"The officials suddenly called for a meeting."

"Can't wait for tomorrow? Is it important?"

"Hmm, it's okay, Ah,Xu..the meeting is very important for me also, and tomorrow is different again." Zhou Zishu nodded as he knew his husband was very busy but always spent time with him.

"Ah, Xu, tomorrow I have something to tell you," he whispered, seeing his husband close his eyes again to go back to sleep.

"Mmm." Zhou Zishu only muttered and snorted. Wen Kexing chuckled fondly at his husband. Holding him tightly in his embrace.

"Tomorrow is a big day for us, Ah,Xu. I hope you will like it." Wen Kexing again chuckled, even though he knew his husband hadn't heard him.

"I love you, my Ah, Xu. You are only the King's Man," he said, kissing his husband's forehead tenderly as he also drifted to sleep beside the one he loved.


How was the ending? I hope you like it.

Advanced Merry Christmas, everyone

Thank you to everyone who's been with me in making this story.

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