Chapter 3

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Running from the zombies, they ran to the exit.

'Can anyone drive?' Heather asked.

'I can!' Both Courtney and Izzy said.

'Courtney it is!' Trent confirmed.

As they opened the door, more zombies flooded in, and the group was forced to use brute force to make their way through. Courtney got through first, unlocking the minivan, as people piled in, Duncan and Owen stopping people from entering. Katie and Sadie were near the back, pushing through, when someone grabbed Sadie. She screamed, a zombie on top of her. Infuriated, Katie grabbed the zombie, trying to push her away, when she bit down, clamping onto Katie's hand. Katie yelled out in pain, as she was dragged away. Crying, a desperate Sadie almost fell with her, but LeShawna grabbed her, pulling her along and into the minivan. Cody and Noah went in together, when Cody felt something grab Noah. Noah yelled as a zombie almost had him, but he and Cody were separated and Cody was shoved onto the bus. Noah ran a different way, but was trapped.

'Everyone on?' Courtney asked, as Duncan and Owen entered.

'No time for a head count!' Chris yelled.

Courtney agreed, as she began to drive away.

Cody screamed that Noah wasn't there. Trent put a hand on his shoulder. 'Dude, I'm sorry, I think he's gone.'

'Who did we lose?' Duncan asked.

'Katie.' Sadie sniffed.

They recounted, as people sadly looked around at their losses. Katie had been seen eaten alive, and Noah, Geoff, Justin, Eva, and Sierra were also missing. Driving along, Courtney asked if they had a destination, but Duncan said they didn't, they just needed to get somewhere safe.


Noah made his way away from the crowd. After the minivan had driven off, he had found Geoff who'd also been left behind. They then found Justin, Eva, and Sierra who too had been left. After some running, with Eva at the front, they regrouped, asking where they were going.

'We need to continue along the road.' Noah explained. 'We need to find the others. I need to find Cody.'

'So do I!' Sierra yelled.

'Bridgette's waiting for me.' Geoff said.

'And I guess Courtney for me.' Justin said.

Noah's eyes widened, but he didn't challenge it.

They turned to Eva who shrugged. 'I could give or take most of them.'

'Come on Eva, there must be someone.' Geoff said, wrapping an arm around her who shrugged him off.

'Well. I hope Izzy makes it.'

Geoff smiled. 'We're going to find Izzy for you, Eva.'


An hour went by, and the minivan was in silence. No one wanted to speak, until someone yelled out in pain. They looked to see Owen had heeled over, blood on his hand.

'What's wrong dude?' Duncan asked.

'Probably a stomach ache.' Heather said, making Alejandro snigger, and Izzy shaking her head.

Owen lifted his shirt up slightly, revealing a bite mark.

'When did that happen?' Duncan asked.

'When we were protecting the minivan. One of them got me. I wasn't sure it was a bite until now.'

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